The directory names are the labels of the diskettes except for DISK_2_ which is also "DISK_2". Physically, they are labeled as such: DISK_1 Program Disk No. 1 DISK_2 Program Disk No. 2 DISK_3 Program Disk No. 3 DISK_2_ Windows 3.1 Mixer and Drivers Some notes on the Adlib Gold 1000 disks in my package: They come with two addendums: One talks about a Sound Blaster compatibility driver on Program Disk 2 called GS2.EXE; the other is a note about the mixer drivers for windows; the mixer driver is v1.01. I have retyped the Sound Blaster sheet for convenience in this package; if you need other materials, please wait for my sound card museum sometime in 2007 :-) BTW, I did NOT image the diskettes because the Windows disk has a boot-sector virus on it! From the factory!! The files check out, though., 20070324