DOS Palmtop Freeware

This page includes copyrighted freeware for the Hewlett Packard Palmtops
and standard Desktops. All programs are written in assembly language
or C--, hence they are very small and very fast. Click on the program
name to download the latest version in a ZIP file.
LxPic (V7.3, 39K, 12-DEC-02)
is a 20 KB viewer for JPG, GIF, PCX, BMP and ICN running in
64 KB memory under DOS and WinXX. Written in 8086 ASM,
supporting all screen modes from CGA up to 2048x1536 True Color
VESA. Shows all pictures on all your drives with one keystroke
only. No installation. Just one single COM file. Thumbnails,
(auto)zoom, slideshow, video, dither, b&w, gray, color
manipulation... Interface for use as a subroutine.
LxPic may be used as a plug-in with
D&A's Internet browser HV.
Here are some
utilities to convert interlaced GIFs and other formats.
LxTel (V4.1, 29K, Stand: 07-DEZ-05)
ist ein Telefongebühren "Least Cost Router" für das privatisierte
deutsche Telefonnetz. Minimale Systemanforderungen. Lauffähig auf allen
x86 Plattformen unter DOS und Windows. Mit Gebührenzähler, Wahlhilfe,
Telefonbüchern, Direktwahl, Ausdruck einer Bestenliste.
LxVox (V1.0, 9K, 21-OCT-98)
is a very small (1700 bytes) WAV player running in 64KB on any
x86 computer. It plays 8 bit mono WAV files of any size and
supports any sampling rate. LxVox may also be used as a plug-in
with D&A's Internet browser HV.
LxMap (V3.0, 10K, 02-FEB-02)
is a small map viewer. It connects streets to locations in a
standard picture file. You select a street, and LxMap immediately
displays the part of the map, where the street is located.
Creating your own maps is very simple.
Look out for a growing collection of
LxPro (V2.4, 22K, 18-JUN-02)
is a SideKick like TSR for HP Palmtops only.
It gives you complete control over all special HP Palmtop features.
In addition, it has a comfortable ASCII table window, a memory window,
a keycode window, a programmer's calculator window and an I/O port window.
LxCic (V2.1, 17K, 22-OCT-99)
is a I/O card enabler and thus a CIC100 alternative on
the Palmtop. LxCic may be used nonresident or resident. If
loaded resident, it only takes 1200 bytes of memory and may be
unloaded at any time. Currently supports modem and network cards.
Source code included.
Dspeed (V1.0, 1K, 23-NOV-97)
is a double speed driver for speed upgraded HP100LX and HP200LX.
Nodelay (V1.0, 2K, 23-NOV-01)
removes the delay of flash cards after power on.
Vanity (V1.0, 2K, 20-NOV-00)
translates phone numbers into words and vice versa according
to the letters assigned to the numbers on phones.
Frames (V1.2, 12K, 03-DEC-01)
is the draft of an offline frames browser for HP palmtops. It is
written using the
SPHiNX C-- compiler. Source code is included.
PDU (V3.0, 6K, 20-JAN-02)
converts an ASCII short message (SMS) into a protocol data unit
(PDU) and vice versa. PDU format is required by some mobile phones
like the Siemens S25, C35i and S35i, but it also works with
Nokia phones. If you want to handle your SMS like email on the
HP200LX, you have to download Tony Hutchins
AutoCaps (V3.1, 4K, 28-JUL-00)
is a TSR which automatically changes the start of a new sentence
to upper case and also allows double click at the beginning of
a word to capitalize it's first letter. Runs on Palmtops and Desktops.
Scancode (V1.0, 2K, 16-FEB-99)
is a utility to find out all possible scancodes a key may have
depending on how the keyboard is checked. Source code is included.
Day (V1.0, 4K, 17-FEB-04)
calculates the weekday for every date between 1583 and 9999.
Beat (V1.0, 6K, 20-NOV-98)
is a Swatch "internet time" application for the palmtop.
Modem (V2.0, 1K, 15-NOV-01)
detects if a modem is connected at the specified comport and
also reports the UART type. Useful for automatic port setup
with batch files.
Minicom (V3.0, 2K, 09-MAR-99)
is a 700 byte communications program for COM1-COM4 allowing you
to do simple transfers and tests. It supports DOS redirection, hence it
can get it's input from a file and send it's output to a file.
Ring (V3.2, 3K, 16-NOV-99)
uses the Palmtop's hidden feature of detecting GSM signals.
If such signals are on the air, the program simply plays a ring sound.
It's DEBUG mode should help to find a shielding for the palmtop to
protect it from EMI (electromagnetic interference). EMI is a serious
problem if you want to use an infrared connection between the palmtop
and a mobile phone.
Fire (V1.2, 1K, 27-NOV-98)
is an incredible graphics simulation of burning flames that is
only 370 bytes. It was ported from VGA to CGA using the Sphinx C--
compiler. Source code is included.
Stars (V1.0, 2K, 30-OCT-98)
is a re-written VGA simulation. It was ported from VGA to CGA
using the Sphinx C-- compiler. Source code is included.
SetCOM1 (V1.0, 2K, 06-SEP-99)
is a mixture of the MODE and SERCTL commands and allows you to
configure COM1 for baud rates up to 115200 baud.
Numlock (V1.0, 3K, 05-OCT-98)
is a small TSR and simulates NUMLOCK on the Palmtop. It allows
single keystroke PgUp, PgDn, Home and End under SysMgr and DOS.
Backlite (V2.1, 2K, 28-MAR-03)
is a driver for
Daniel Hertrich's palmtop backlight.
Lighton (V1.0, 3K, 20-MAR-99)
TSR for use with a LED powered by the Palmtop's serial
port. It assures, that the wired serial port power is always on.
Sleepon (V3.0, 4K, 12-MAR-98)
is a small TSR you need if you want to run Win3.0 on your Palmtop.
Sleepon enables the OFF key and Light Sleep of the Palmtop while Win3.0
is running and enables task switch between different SoftwareCarousel
work areas. Includes a detailed installation procedure for Win3.0 on the
Font (35K, 03-SEP-01)
is a collection of my own system fonts (COM files), HV fonts
(HFN files, also usable with POST/LX) and german Vertical
Reader fonts (VFN files).
Utility (5K, 28-OCT-96)
is a collection of tiny utilities for Palmtops and Desktops.
None is bigger than 700 bytes. Includes file compare, file en/decrypt,
serial print, etc.