General Size half-length 8-bit Output Signal TTL Pins 9 Memory Standard 256 KB Optional 0 KB System address A000 through CAFF Features Parallel port no Light pen no Modular/composite video yes Feature connector yes Software drivers included yes Electrical FCC class B ============================================================= Jumpers/Switches/Controls Switch Bank 9 Monitor Type SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 Monochrome Off Off On Off Standard RGB Off Off Off On Enhanced RGB Off On On Off Intelligent Mode Selection? SW5 Yes On No Off ============================================================= Intelligent Mode Intelligent mode selection allows the EGA card to automatically change operational modes (EGA, CGA, Hercules, etc.) according to the requirements of the application software. Switching from mode to mode is automatic. The EGA card detects the type of software being used and makes the necessary adjustments. There are no "mode" commands nor special software to run. The selection is limited to the video modes compatible with the monitor. EXAMPLE: If an EGA monitor is being used, the EGA card can be used in CGA, colorplus, or EGA modes. It cannot run software intended for use with monochrome displays. Conversely, an EGA card connected to a monochrome monitor will not run software intended for a color monitor. It is highly recommended to leave the intelligent mode off. ============================================================= Standard Modes Resolutions Colors Monitors 80 x 25 --- MD/CD/ED Text 80 x 25 16 MD/CD/ED Text 40 x 25 16 MD/CD/ED Text 320 x 200 4 CD/ED Graphics 640 x 200 2 CD/ED Graphics 720 x 348 --- MD Graphics 320 x 200 16 ED Graphics 640 x 350 16 ED Graphics MD = Monochrome display. CD = Color graphics display. ED = Enhanced graphics display. ============================================================= Software ega.exe ROMCHECK is used to test the BIOS date on older IBM? PCs. If the BIOS date was October, 1982, or earlier, it has to be updated to run EGA. ega.exe This allows users to manual select the operational mode of the adapter from either a menu or directly from the DOS prompt line. To invoke from the DOS prompt, type: EGA Where = EGA, CGA, Plant, MDA, Herc0, Herc1, lock, auto, or boot. ega.exe Parameters ega Turns off intelligent mode, restricts to EGA. cga Switches to CGA mode (CGA is displayed) plant Switches to plantronics mode (CGA is displayed) MDA Switches to monochrome mode (mono is displayed) herc0 Switches to Hercules half mode (mono is displayed) herc1 Switches to Hercules full mode (mono is displayed) lock Locks current mode for warm boot. auto Unlocks mode if necessary (used with intelligent mode). boot Prompts to insert a disk in drive A, then will reboot system. Used in conjunction with specific modes and/or lock to run a protected game.