
Uninstall programs

Use the "Uninstall programs" window to uninstall a program that was installed from the Software Selections CD. Following are the features of the "Uninstall programs" window.

A table displays the programs that have been installed from the CD. The amount of disk space used by a typical (silent) installation of each program is shown under the Size heading. Beside each program, under the Uninstall heading, is a checkbox that indicates whether you have selected that program to be uninstalled.

Information about each program is displayed either:

You can select between these two options in the "Change settings" window.

If you want to uninstall a program that was not installed from the Software Selections CD, click the icon above the table to start the Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Add/Remove Programs utility program.

The pie chart at the bottom of the "Uninstall programs" window indicates the amount of used and free space on each of your hard disks.

To uninstall a program:

  1. Click Uninstall programs from the menu in the left panel. The table of programs that have been installed from the Software Selections CD is displayed.

  2. For the program that you want to uninstall, click to select the checkbox under the Uninstall heading. You can uninstall only one program at a time.

  3. Click Uninstall.

To exit from the Software Selections CD, click Exit.