* * *Technical Document # - **7775533** * ____________________________________________________________ Family: *LAN* Product: *Multi-Protocol Transport Service (MPTS)* Release: *4.0, 5.0* Syslevel: Last Updated:* *12-05-97 ____________________________________________________________ _TITLE_ IBM OS/2 LAN Requester Cannot Logon to a Microsoft Windows NT Server on a Different Subnet _DESCRIPTION_ You are unable to net use or logon from an IBM OS/2 LAN Requester to an NT Server on a different subnet using TCPBEUI. IBM OS/2 LAN Servers and LAN Requesters (using TCPBEUI with P- and H- node and WINS capability) register their domain names in the WINS database with a 0x'00' termination, whereas NT and WIN95 register their domain names with 0x'1C' termination. Only the 0x'1C' terminated names will be added to the Internet group, making them accessible across routers. The result is that no IBM OS/2 LAN Requesters from a different IP subnet can ever logon to an NT domain using TCPBEUI. _RESOLUTION_ Add the following line to the *MPTN\ETC\HOSTS* file on the IBM OS/2 LAN Requester: * DOMAINNAME NETBIOSNAME* where: ** is the IP address of the NT server *DOMAINNAME* is the domain name of the NT server *NETBIOSNAME* is the NetBIOS name of the NT server *Note*: The HOSTS file can be created or modified by using the * TCP/IP Configuration* Notebook*;* go to the *HOSTNAMES* tab, then move to *Page 2*, *Configure Name Resolution* *Services*. ____________________________________________________________