Int 15/AH=12h/BH=17h

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DESQview v2.42-2.52 - BUG

AH = 12h
BH = 17h
BL = object
00h DWORD on top of stack
mailbox, keyboard, or pointer only
02h mailbox for task whose handle is on top of stack
03h mailbox for current task
04h keyboard for task whose handle is on top of stack
05h keyboard for current task

STACK popped if handle passed on stack

Notes: Due to a fencepost error, message 17h is accepted for mailboxes, keyboards, and pointers, but causes a random branch. DESQview v2.50-2.52 are distributed as part of DESQview/X v1.02

Category: DESQview/TopView and Quarterdeck Programs - Int 15h - D


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