Int 20/Vx=0028h

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Microsoft Windows - NDIS - VxD SERVICES

VxD = 0028h

Note: The desired VxD and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxD identifier

See Also: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API" - INT 30"Windows" - #01265 - #01340

(Table 01292) Values for NDIS (VxD ID 0028h) service number: 00h "NdisGetVersion" 01h "NdisAllocateSpinLock" 02h "NdisFreeSpinLock" 03h "NdisAcquireSpinLock" 04h "NdisReleaseSpinLock" 05h "NdisOpenConfiguration" 06h "NdisReadConfiguration" 07h "NdisCloseConfiguration" 08h "NdisReadEisaSlotInformation" 09h "NdisReadMcaPosInformation" 0Ah "NdisAllocateMemory" 0Bh "NdisFreeMemory" 0Ch "NdisSetTimer" 0Dh "NdisCancelTimer" 0Eh "NdisStallExecution" 0Fh "NdisInitializeInterrupt" 10h "NdisRemoveInterrupt" 11h "NdisSynchronizeWithInterrupt" 12h "NdisOpenFile" 13h "NdisMapFile" 14h "NdisUnmapFile" 15h "NdisCloseFile" 16h "NdisAllocatePacketPool" 17h "NdisFreePacketPool" 18h "NdisAllocatePacket" 19h "NdisReinitializePacket" 1Ah "NdisFreePacket" 1Bh "NdisQueryPacket" 1Ch "NdisAllocateBufferPool" 1Dh "NdisFreeBufferPool" 1Eh "NdisAllocateBuffer" 1Fh "NdisCopyBuffer" 20h "NdisFreeBuffer" 21h "NdisQueryBuffer" 22h "NdisGetBufferPhysicalAddress" 23h "NdisChainBufferAtFront" 24h "NdisChainBufferAtBack" 25h "NdisUnchainBufferAtFront" 26h "NdisUnchainBufferAtBack" 27h "NdisGetNextBuffer" 28h "NdisCopyFromPacketToPacket" 29h "NdisRegisterProtocol" 2Ah "NdisDeregisterProtocol" 2Bh "NdisOpenAdapter" 2Ch "NdisCloseAdapter" 2Dh "NdisSend" 2Eh "NdisTransferData" 2Fh "NdisReset" 30h "NdisRequest" 31h "NdisInitializeWrapper" 32h "NdisTerminateWrapper" 33h "NdisRegisterMac" 34h "NdisDeregisterMac" 35h "NdisRegisterAdapter" 36h "NdisDeregisterAdapter" 37h "NdisCompleteOpenAdapter" 38h "NdisCompleteCloseAdapter" 39h "NdisCompleteSend" 3Ah "NdisCompleteTransferData" 3Bh "NdisCompleteReset" 3Ch "NdisCompleteRequest" 3Dh "NdisIndicateReceive" 3Eh "NdisIndicateReceiveComplete" 3Fh "NdisIndicateStatus" 40h "NdisIndicateStatusComplete" 41h "NdisCompleteQueryStatistics" 42h "NdisEqualString" 43h "NdisNetAddressStringToBinary" 44h "NdisReadNetworkAddress" 45h "NdisWriteErrorLogEntry" 46h "C_MapPhysToLinear" 47h "C_HeapFree" 48h "NdisAllocateSharedMemory" 49h "NdisFreeSharedMemory" ... 5Fh ...last service for Windows95 SP1

See Also: #01291 - #01293

Category: Windows - Int 20h - M


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