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AX = EF03h
ES:SI -> network shell's connection ID table (see #02092) AX = 0000h
Note: This function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.0+
See Also: AX=EF00h - AX=EF02h - AX=EF04h - AX=F002h
Format of NetWare connection ID table [one entry of eight-element array]: Offset Size Description (Table 02092) 00h BYTE in-use flag E0h AES temporary F8h IPX in critical section FAh processing FBh holding FCh AES waiting FDh waiting FEh receiving FFh sending 01h BYTE order number assigned to server (1-8) 02h DWORD (big-endian) file server's network address 06h 6 BYTEs (big-endian) file server's node address 0Ch WORD (big-endian) socket number 0Eh WORD (big-endian) base receive timeout in clock ticks 10h 6 BYTEs (big-endian) preferred routing node 16h BYTE packet sequence number 17h BYTE connection number (FFh = no connection) 18h BYTE connection status (00h if active) 19h WORD (big-endian) maximum receive timeout in clock ticks 1Bh WORD connection number (if > FAh) 1Dh BYTE major version of NetWare 1Eh BYTE minor version of NetWare 1Fh BYTE server flags
bit 0:
Server is burst enabled
Category: Netware - Int 21h - N
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