Int 2A/AX=8700h

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AX = 8700h
CF clear

CF clear if OK to print in background now CF set if background printing not allowed at this time

Desc: Used to inform interested programs that PRINT is about to start its background processing, and allow those programs to postpone the processing if necessary

Notes: When PRINT gains control and wants to begin printing, it calls this function. If CF is clear on return, PRINT begins its background processing, and calls AX=8701h when it is done. If CF is set on return, PRINT will relinquish control immediately, and will not call AX=8701h. PCVENUS (an early network shell by IBM and CMU) hooks this call to prevent background printing while its own code is active

See Also: AH=80h - AH=81h - AX=8701h

Category: Printer Enhancements - Int 2Ah - P


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