Int 6B/AX=0000h

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Novell NASI/NACS, Ungermann-Bass Net One SERIAL I/O - BUFFERED WRITE

AX = 0000h
CX = length
ES:BX -> buffer

CX = number of bytes written

Program: NASI is Novell's NetWare Asynchronous Services Interface (purchased from Network Products Corp, who call it NCSI) which runs on workstations; NACS is the NetWare Asynchronous Communications Services module which runs on servers

Test for the signature string "NCSI" three bytes past the interrupt handler; see also AH=02h.. As of version 3.0, Novell's NASI can be distinguished from NPC's NCSI by the presence of an 'A' immediately following the signature

Notes: This function is also supported by TelAPI, NPC NCSI, and Connection Manager CLIENT.EXE; for TelAPI, nonzero values in AL specify a connection ID. Connection Manager returns CF set/AL=FFh if called while an INT 6B call is already in progress

See Also: AX=0100h - AH=18h - INT 14/AH=19h - INT 14/AH=E

Category: Serial I/O - Int 6Bh - N


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