Get or Set Handle Attributes                         




52h 00h=Get 01h=Set Error Code Attribute (1/2) AX


 New Attribute (see table)     BX




 EMM Handle     DX
Attributes:    00h = Make Handle Volatile
               01h = Make Handle Non-Volatile
               02h = Get Attribute Capability


     *  A volatile handle attribute instructs the memory  manager to
        deallocate both the handle and  the  pages  allocated  to it
        after  a  warm  boot.  If  all  handles  have  the  volatile
        attribute (default) at warm boot the  handle  directory will
        be empty and all expanded memory will be initialized to zero
        immediately after a warm boot.

     *  If the  handle's attribute has been set to non-volatile, the
        handle, its name (if it is assigned one),  and  the contents
        of  the pages allocated to the  handle  are  all  maintained
        after a warm boot.

     *  Most PCs disable  RAM  refresh  signals  for  a considerable
        period during a warm boot. This can corrupt some of the data
        in memory boards.  Non-  volatile handles should not be used
        unless it is definitely known that the EMS board will retain
        proper function through a warm boot.

     *  Subfunction 02h  can be used to determine whether the memory
        manager can support the non-volatile attribute.

     *  Currently  the  only  attribute  supported  is  non-volatile
        handles and pages, indicated by the least significant bit.

Copyright © 1985 to 2003 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday April 30, 2003 .