The Assembly Language Development System (ALDS) - C Version

[Copyright 2007 Frank Durda IV, All Rights Reserved.
Mirroring of this web page in any form is expressly prohibited.
The official web site for this material is:
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These are distributions of the ALDS cross-assembler and linker. Because this was a restoration effort and additional components or newer pieces have appeared over time, specific release dates are provided so that newer distributions can be identified when they become available.

One of the ports provided here will compile successfully on a Tandy/Radio Shack Model II/12/16/16B/6000 running XENIX System III. The compiles were done using a XENIX version 3.3 environment, but any of the 3.x releases should work. The older 1.x release may also compile without changes, but this has not been tested.

The second port will succesfully compile the software on FreeBSD using the GCC compiler. GCC version 3.4.4 and FreeBSD 6.1 were used to prepare the 3-Sep-2007 release, but other versions should work.

README files - Release 3-Sep-2007


History of the software in this release (ASCII)

TARs - Release 3-Sep-2007

These are tars of parts or the complete C version of ALDS. Below, the individual source and binary files can also be accessed individually.

The ALDS cross-development assembler, with source, objects, and binary, 3-Sep-2007 release (TAR)

The ALDS cross-development linker, with source, objects, and binary, 3-Sep-2007 release (TAR)

The complete ALDS cross-development system, with all source, objects, and binary, 3-Sep-2007 release (TAR)

ALDS Cross-Assembler Source - Release 3-Sep-2007


alds Makefile for FreeBSD (ASCII)
alds Makefile for XENIX System III 68000 (ASCII)

adisp.c (ASCII)
appbyt.c (ASCII)
apush.c (ASCII)
asm.h (ASCII)
asm1.h (ASCII)
buff.c (ASCII)
compar.c (ASCII)
condit.c (ASCII)
defb.c (ASCII)
defm.c (ASCII)
end.c (ASCII)
error.c (ASCII)
eval.c (ASCII)
fill.c (ASCII)
fixdata.c (ASCII)
functions.h (ASCII)
getline.c (ASCII)
getopt.c (ASCII)
global.c (ASCII)
imd.c (ASCII)
include.c (ASCII)
initp.c (ASCII)
io.c (ASCII)
link.c (ASCII)
listing.c (ASCII)
litorg.c (ASCII)
lnkset.c (ASCII)
lsymt.c (ASCII)
macro.c (ASCII)
main.c (ASCII)
movbuf.c (ASCII)
oldgbl.c (ASCII)
parse.c (ASCII)
pass.c (ASCII)
plab.c (ASCII)
porg.c (ASCII)
printl.c (ASCII)
printv.c (ASCII)
proces.c (ASCII)
putobj.c (ASCII)
radix.c (ASCII)
robj.c (ASCII)
roman.c (ASCII)
save.c (ASCII)
title.c (ASCII)
tname.c (ASCII)
tryopen.c (ASCII)
valid.c (ASCII)
z80.c (ASCII)

tags (ASCII)
tags.log (ASCII)

alds (ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386)
alds (XENIX 16-bit executable)

alds.1 assembler Man page (ASCII)
ALDS assembler Man page in HTML format (ASCII)

Object files and build logs for ALDS Assembler on FreeBSD (MIXED FILES)
Object files and build logs for ALDS Assembler on System III XENIX 68000 (MIXED FILES)

ALDS Cross-Assembler Test Programs - Release 3-Sep-2007

Sample ALDS Assembly test program (ASCII)
ALDS Assembly listing (ASCII)
ALDS Assembly output - hex format (ASCII)
ALDS Assembly run output (ASCII)

ALDS Cross-Assembler Linker Source - Release 3-Sep-2007


linkz80 Makefile for FreeBSD (ASCII)
linkz80 Makefile for XENIX System III 68000 (ASCII)

buff.c (ASCII)
error.c (ASCII)
getopt.c (ASCII)
include.c (ASCII)
link.h (ASCII)
main.c (ASCII)
pass.c (ASCII)
printl.c (ASCII)
putobj.c (ASCII)
symbol.c (ASCII)
time.c (ASCII)

tags (ASCII)
tags.log (ASCII)

linkz80 (ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386)
linkz80 (XENIX 16-bit executable)

linkz80.1 ALDS Linker Man page (ASCII)
ALDS Linker Man page in HTML format (ASCII)

Object files and build logs for ALDS Linker on FreeBSD (MIXED FILES)
Object files and build logs for ALDS Linker on System III XENIX 68000 (MIXED FILES)

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Linker [Copyright 2007 Frank Durda IV, All Rights Reserved.
Mirroring of this web page in any form is expressly prohibited.
The official web site for this material is:
Contact this address for use clearances: clearance at
Comments and queries to this address: web_software_2011 at]