The AT Command Set Reference

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Section 3: Unprefixed AT Commands

This reference includes all the commands that are found in industry standards as well as commands that appear in the reference modem designs and specifications that are published by the major modem chipset manufacturers or modem firmware designers.

This section describes AT modem commands that do not have a prefix character such as "&". (Commands with prefixes are described in another section.)

After a description of the function of the command or option, the "Standards: section will indicate if the described command is compatible with a standard, such as EIA/TIA-602. The section number of the standard that covers the command is included.

The "Compatibility" entry uses the following symbols to indicate which modems the described command is compatible with:

EIA/TIA-602 Standard (Data Mode commands only)
Hayes Smartmodem 2400
Hayes Ultra 14,400
Modems containing Rockwell chipsets or Connexant firmware (Yellow)
Modems containing USR/3Com/TI chipsets and firmware (Purple)
Modems containing Sierra Semiconductor chipsets and firmware (White)
Modems containing Lucent/AT&T Microelectronics chipsets and firmware (Orange)
Modems manufactured by Telebit (Blue)
Modems containing Cirrus Logic chipsets and firmware (Red)
The colors are used below when a command or an interpretation of a command is completely unique to the listed vendor. This marking should be treated as a warning that the command is non-portable and should be avoided if possible.

This document cannot include every command available on every modem claiming to be AT Command Set compatible, and the documentation for a specific modem should always be trusted over any other reference when it comes to what commands are available and what actions they perform. For example, a given command may have a completely different function on one brand of modem than on other brands. In cases where conflicts are known, the conflicting commands and their behavior are described below.

The default settings for each command or modifier are marked "(Default)" and in Green. Be aware that different vendors may have a different default value for the same command or S-register. When known, this is documented.

AT Command Description
Forces the modem into an off-hook state and the modem begins offering answer carriers in the same sequence that the modem would use if it was responding to an incoming call when S1 is non-zero and the number of incoming rings specified in S1 has been reached.
Standards: EIA/TIA-602 6.1.5
Compatibility: 2 4 E R U S L T C
(Bell Mode)
Specifies whether the modem should use CCITT/ITU answer tones and modulations, or use modulations compatible with the AT&T Bell 212 transmission system.
Standards: The "B" command is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 standard.
Compatibility: Not all options are implemented in all modems. See individual option descriptions.
Modifiers Description
The CCITT/ITU V.25 (or later) answer sequence is used. For 1200 baud transmissions, V.22 modulation is used. B0 is the default setting in all modern modems. Some modems select V.21 for 300 baud operation with this command.
Compatibility: - 4 - R U S L T C
Note: Sierra modems that perform V.34 or faster do not support the "B" commands and those that do use "B1" as the default setting.
B1 The Bell 212 answer sequence is used. For 1200 baud transmissions, Bell 212 modulation is used. This mode is for backward compatibility with the proprietary (and very obsolete) Bell 212 transmission system. Some modems select Bell 103J for 300 baud operations with this command.

Setting "B1" when operating at speeds higher than 1200 baud should be ignored by the modem, but some modern modems may malfunction if "B1" is set.

Compatibility: - 4 - R U S L T C
Note: Sierra modems that perform V.34 or faster do not support the "B" commands and those that do use "B1" as the default setting.
B2 The "B2" command dictates that ITU-T V.23 modulations will be used. When the DTE speed is 1200bps and the modem is originating, transmit will be at 75bps and receive at 1200bps. For answer, transmit will be at 1200bps and receive at 75bps.
Compatibility: - 4 - - - S L - -
Note: Sierra modems that perform V.34 or faster do not support the "B" commands and those that do use "B1" as the default setting.
B3 The "B3" command dictates that ITU-T V.23 modulations will be used. When the DTE speed is 1200bps and the modem is originating, transmit will be at 1200bps and receive at 75bps. For answer, transmit will be at 75bps and receive at 1200bps.
Compatibility: - 4 - - - S L - -
Note: Sierra modems that perform V.34 or faster do not support the "B" commands and those that do use "B1" as the default setting.
B15 On Lucent modems, the "B15" command specifies that ITU-T V.21 modulations will be used when the DTE speed is 300bps.
Compatibility: - - - - - - L - -
B16 On Lucent modems, the "B16" command specifies that Bell 103J modulations will be used when the DTE speed is 300bps.
Compatibility: - - - - - - L - -
The "C" command controls how the modem manages carrier. In the original Hayes Smartmodem 1200, this command controlled carrier during Data operations. Years later, some vendors re-used this command to control FAX carrier. On modern modems, the command has no effect on data modem operations.
Standards: The "C" command is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 standard.
Compatibility: Not all options are implemented in all modems. See individual option descriptions.
Modifiers Description
C0 The "C0" command forces the modem to not transmit carrier. It can receive data via an incoming carrier. This is meant for 1200bps and slower transmission speeds only and has applications in amateur radio and RTTY operations.
Compatibility: 2 - - - - - - - -
Note: Most modern modems do not accept this command and have no equivalent command available.
The "C1" command allows carrier to be transmitted when needed.
Compatibility: 2 - - R - - L - C
Note: Most modern modems accept and silently ignore this command. This behavior is performed entirely to be compatible with an obsolete software packages that issue this command and expect it to be accepted.
This command is used to initiate an outgoing modem connection. The modem is placed off-hook if not already in that state. Based on any specified modifiers and previously entered settings, the modem may also listen for dial-tone, then transmit a telephone number to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). The modem may then listen for and negotiate carrier with a remote modem or simply return to Command Mode.

(For subsequent brevity, the phrase "dials" or "dialing" means to transmit one or more digits or symbols using either pulse or DTMF signaling into the Public Switched Telephone Network or PSTN.)

Any dialing operation (including timed pauses) can be aborted, causing the modem to go on-hook and return to Command Mode, if the entire dialing and carrier negotiation operation exceeds the time limit specified by the S7 register, or the DTE sends a character after the carriage return and before receiving a Result Code from the modem, or by the DTE dropping DTR if &D2 is set.

Standards: EIA/TIA-602 5.4.1, 6.1.1
Compatibility: Not All Dial Modifiers are implemented on all modems or may have different behavior. See individual Dial Modifier descriptions.
Modifiers Description
0 to 9 Dials the specified digit.
Standards: EIA/TIA-602
Compatibility: 2 4 E R U S L T C
#, * Dials the # (pound) or * (asterisk) DTMF codes. (DTMF dialing only.)
Standards: EIA/TIA-602
Compatibility: 2 4 E R U S L T C
(at sign)
Dialing operations pause at this point for silence on the line plus a delay of five seconds before performing the next dial modifier. This is useful for allowing plenty of time for a dial-tone to appear when blind-dialing must be used or when a dial-tone is present that is not reliably recognized by the modem, such as the stuttering dial-tone used in Italy and also used with some "voice-mail" systems.

Depending on the modem, the "X3" or higher Response Code may be required for the modem to listen for silence on the line. In such cases, the only action will be a five-second delay. EIA/TIA-602 allows modem makers to make the "@" modifier behavior to vary based on the current Response Code.

Standards: EIA/TIA-602
Compatibility: 2 4 E R U S L T C
Dialing operations pause at this point for the amount of time specified by the "S8" register, normally two seconds. This is useful for waiting for a dial-tone when blind-dialing must be used or when a dial-tone is present that is not reliably recognized by the modem, such as the stuttering dial-tone used in Italy and also used with some "voice-mail" systems. The "," modifier is similar to the "@" modifier, except that the amount of time the modem pauses is adjustable when using the "," modifier.
Standards: EIA/TIA-602
Compatibility: 2 4 E R U S L T C
At this point in the dialing operation, the modem goes on-hook briefly before returning to the off-hook state. This action is known as the "Hook Flash" (sometimes called "Flash Hook"). The on-hook time is not adjustable and should be compatible with the PSTN regulations of the country that the modem is certified to be used in.
Standards: EIA/TIA-602
Compatibility: 2 4 E R U S L T C
Return to Command Mode. Subsequent characters on this command line are treated as Commands rather than Dial Modifiers. If sufficient digits and other parameters preceded the semi-colon and a remote modem answers, the modem will negotiate carrier and other connection parameters despite being in Command Mode, unless a subsequent command places the modem on-hook.
Standards: The semicolon Dial Modifier is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 specification.
Compatibility: 2 4 - R U S L T C
A, B,
C or D
Dials the specified extra DTMF symbols. (DTMF dialing only.)
Standards: EIA/TIA-602
Compatibility: 2 4 E R - S L T C
Note: USR/3Com modems do not implement this part of the EIA/TIA-602 specification.
J On Rockwell modems, the J Dial Modifier causes the modem to perform a MNP 10 link negotiation at 1200bps for this call only.
Standards: The "L" Dial Modifier is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 specification.
Compatibility: - - - R - - - - -
Note: See the related "*H" command.
K On Rockwell modems, the K Dial Modifier enables power level adjustments during MNP 10 link negotiation for this call only.
Standards: The "K" Dial Modifier is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 specification.
Compatibility: - - - R - - - - -
Note: See the related ")Mn" command.
L The L Dial Modifier causes the modem to dial the last number dialed. This only works if the last time the modem went off-hook, a number was actually dialed. If the modem goes off-hook, then on-hook, or the modem has been reset, a subsequent L modifier will not dial a number. (The command string "ATDL" provides the same result as the "A/" command.)
Standards: The "L" Dial Modifier is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 specification.
Compatibility: - 4 - R - S L - -
P Digits dialed after this modifier are to be performed using pulse (also known as rotary) dialing at the standard 10pps pulse rate. This setting remains in effect for subsequent ATD commands and modems with non-volatile memory may save this setting along with other stored parameters.
Standards: EIA/TIA-602
Compatibility: 2 4 E R U S L T C
R The R Dial Modifier instructs the modem to use the transmission frequencies normally associated with the answering modem even though this modem is originating the call. The called modem must respond with the originate transmission frequencies.
Standards: The "R" Dial Modifier is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 specification.
Compatibility: 2 - - - U - L T C
S=n The S Dial Modifier causes the modem to dial a telephone number previously stored in the modem using the "&Z" command. The number of different numbers that can be stored varies by modem model, with the most common number being four, allowing "S=0" through "S=3" to be used in Dial commands.
Standards: The "S" Dial Modifier is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 specification.
Compatibility: - 4 - R - S L T C
Note: USR/3Com modems use a syntax different than that of other modems. Telebit modems allow the larger range "S=0" through "S=9".
Sn On USR/3Com modems, the S Dial Modifier causes the modem to dial a telephone number previously stored in the modem using the "&Z" command. The number of different numbers that can be stored varies by modem model, with the most common number being four, allowing "S0" through "S3" to be used in Dial commands.
Standards: The S Dial Modifier is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 specification.
Compatibility: - - - - U - - - -
Not: All other modems that support stored telephone numbers use the "S=n" command to perform the same operation.
T Digits and Symbols dialed after this modifier are to be performed using DTMF (also known as Touch-Tone) dialing. This setting remains in effect for subsequent "ATD" commands and modems with non-volatile memory may save this setting along with other stored parameters.
Standards: EIA/TIA-602
Compatibility: 2 4 E R U S L T C
W Dialing operations pause at this point until dial-tone energy is detected. This can be used to wait for a second dial-tone when dialing through a PBX to an outside line. It is optional for the modem maker to detect a busy-signal while pausing for dial-tone, and this only occurs if busy-detection is allowed by the setting of the "X" command. If the "W" command does not work reliably on a given telephone line, the "@" or "," (comma) Dial Modifiers should be used instead.
Standards: EIA/TIA-602
Compatibility: - 4 E R U S L T C
V On Lucent modems, when the "V" modifier is executed, the modem will switch into speakerphone mode and resume processing the dialing string.
Standards: The "V" modifier is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 standard.
Compatibility: - - - - - - L - -
$ On USR/3Com modems, the "$" modifier sends a list of supported Dial Modifiers to the DTE.
Standards: The "$" modifier is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 standard.
Compatibility: - - - - U - - - -
$ On Telebit modems, the "$" modifier causes the modem to wait for a calling card billing prompt tone. If the tone is not detected in the amount of time specified by the "S7" register, the modem returns a "NO PROMPTTONE" response to the DTE.
Standards: The "$" modifier is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 standard.
Compatibility: - - - - - - - T -
Note: Rockwell modems use the "&" modifier for a similar function.
& On Rockwell modems, the "&" modifier causes the modem to wait for a calling card billing prompt tone. If the tone is not detected in the amount of time specified by the "S7" register on US models or the "S6" register on W-Class models, the modem aborts the call attempts and send an error response to the DTE.
Standards: The "&" modifier is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 standard.
Compatibility: - - - R - - - - -
Note: Telebit modems use the "$" modifier for a similar function.
> On Rockwell modems, the ">" modifier causes certain modems meant to be used in certain countries to generate a grounding pulse on the EARTH relay output. In other situations, using the ">" modifier may be ignored or may return an error.
Standards: The ">" modifier is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 standard.
Compatibility: - - - R - - - - -
^ When dialing in FAX mode, the calling tone will be disabled. During a normal outgoing FAX call, a FAX calling tone is transmitted at regular intervals so that the answering FAX device will know another FAX device is calling. Unlike a data modem, the answering FAX device normally remains silent until it detects the calling tone.
Standards: The "^" modifier is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 standard.
Compatibility: - - - R - - L - -
Note: Rockwell documentation describes this modifier as a toggle. Lucent states only that it disables the calling tone.
\label\ Similar to the "S=n" command, the backslash modifier directs the modem to dial a stored number. When numbers are stored using the ~N3 command, a textual label may be included that can be referenced by the backslash modifier rather than using the stored number directory entry number. For example, if "AT~N2=817-970-5555\IDLINE\" was stored, that stored number could be dialed later by issuing the command "ATDTS=2" or by "ATDT\IDLINE\".
Standards: The "\" modifier is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 standard.
Compatibility: - - - - - - - T -
or dash)
On Hayes Smartmodems, the "-" modifier causes the modem to transmit a 1270Hz tone for 186msec, followed by 62msec of silence. This implements a "DASH" in morse code. The "-" modifier and the other morse code modifiers must appear after a ";" modifier. Before the ";" modifier, the "-" character may appear within a telephone number being dialed and will be ignored.

To demonstrate the morse code capability, the command sequence "ATD;-.-./--.--H0" would take the modem off-hook, transmit the letters "C" and "Q" in morse code, and place the modem on-hook. The resulting code rate would be 20 words per minute and is compliant with FCC regulations in applications such as automated repeater identification.

Standards: The "-" modifier is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 standard.
Compatibility: 2 - - - - - - - -
Note: Almost all modern modems do not implement this capability.
or dot)
On Hayes Smartmodems, the "." modifier causes the modem to transmit a 1270Hz tone for 62msec, followed by 62msec of silence. This implements a "DOT" in morse code. The "." modifier and the other morse code modifiers must appear after a ";" modifier. Before the ";" modifier, the "." character may be treated as an invalid character.
Standards: The "-" modifier is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 standard.
Compatibility: 2 - - - - - - - -
Note: See the "-" modifier for an example of the use of the morse code feature. Almost all modern modems do not implement this capability.
Operations pause at this point for 125 msec. This can be used to implement a pause for character spacing when transmitting in Morse code.
Standards: The slash Dial Modifier is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 specification.
Compatibility: 2 - - - - - L - -
Note: See the "-" modifier for an example of the use of the morse code feature. Almost all modern modems do not implement this capability.
When the modem is in Command Mode, this command specifies whether the modem should echo characters received from the DTE back to the DTE.
Standards: EIA/TIA-602 6.2.4
Compatibility: 2 4 E R U S L T C
Modifiers Description
E0 When the modem is in Command Mode, command characters received from the DTE are not echoed back to the DTE.
When the Modem is in Command Mode, command characters received from the DTE are echoed back to the DTE. This is the typical default setting.
When the modem is in Data Mode (online), this command specifies whether the modem should echo characters received from the DTE back to the DTE. In some documents, this command is also described as placing the DTE interface on the modem into half or full duplex mode.
Standards: The F Command is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 specification.
Compatibility: Not all options are implemented in all modems. See individual option descriptions.
Modifiers Description
F0 When the Modem is in Data Mode, characters received from the DTE are echoed back to the DTE.
Compatibility: 2 - - R U - - - -
Note: Lucent and Cirrus modems do not accept the "F0" command but accept and silently ignore the "F1" command.
When the modem is in Data Mode, characters received from the DTE are not echoed back to the DTE. This is the typical default setting.
Compatibility: 2 - - R U - L - C
Note: Lucent and Cirrus modems accept and silently ignore the "F1" command.
Forces the modem on or off-hook, regardless of the current activity of the modem.
Standards: EIA/TIA-602 6.1.6 (H0 only)
Compatibility: Not all options are implemented in all modems. See individual option descriptions.
Modifiers Description
The modem goes on-hook, terminating any call in progress. If a data connection was in progress, a tear-down of the connection may occur before going on-hook.
Standards: EIA/TIA-602 6.1.6
Compatibility: 2 4 E R U S L T C
H1 The modem goes off-hook. The modem does not attempt to establish a data connection and will not respond to an answer carrier received from a remote modem. If the modem has a speaker which is enabled and the volume is turned-up, the sounds of the telephone line should be heard.
Standards: The "H1" command is not part of EIA/TIA-602.
Compatibility: 2 4 - R U S L T C
H2 In the Hayes Smartmodem, the modem goes off-hook by the modem activating the line relay, but the auxillary relay is not activated. Both relays are activated in the "H1" command. The Smartmodem 1200 documentation suggests ways in which the "H1" and "H2" commands can be used in Amateur Radio and RTTY applications since this modem provides additional commands that allow the DTE to force specific carrier tones to be transmitted.
Standards: The "H2" command is not part of EIA/TIA-602.
Compatibility: 2 - - - - - - - -
Note: See the "S10" register and the "C0" command.
The "I" commands display information about the modem (DCE) as one or more lines of information text as determined by the manufactuer. The "I" commands are used so inconsistently by the chipset makers and the modem manufacturers that the EIA/TIA-602 explicitly warns against using the returned results from an "I" command to determine the DCE (modem) type or in making any other determination about the DCE capabilities or configuration. Despite this official warning, certain proprietary operating systems routinely try to guess the modem type and its capabilities by using the results of "I" commands.

The most common uses of "I" commands are listed below. Most option values are repeated. This is done when one modem maker uses a particular option number in a way significantly different from the other modem makers shown in this reference.

Standards: The EIA/TIA-602 specification considers the "I" command to be optional and the results unreliable. Be sure to read more about this caution above. (EIA 6.1.0)
Compatibility: Not all options are implemented in all modems and it should be assumed that no two models of modems will perform the same function in response to a given "I" command or return similar results.
Modifiers Description
I0 A numeric value is returned equal to the maximum speed the modem is capable of operating at. Typically, 2400bps modems return "240" (in keeping with all AT-compatible modem registers being 8-bits wide, with a numeric range of 0 to 255). A 1200bps modem should return "120". Later, Hayes and some vendors tried to remain consistent to the three character limit by returning the most-significant digits of the modems maximum speed. That means that the "I0" command returns "144" for 14,400bps modems, "288" for 28,800bps "336" for 33,600bps, and "56" for 56,000bps modems (56 is used because 560 is greater than 255.) However, some modem vendors deviate from this traditional use of the "I0" command, returning a four or five-digit result, such as "33600" for a V.34 modem or "56000" for a V.90 or V.92 modem.

Telebit modems return the model number of the modem rather than a maximum speed indication.

Compatibility: 2 4 - R U S L T C
Note: Being listed for compatibility only indicates that the modem will return a result, but the result will vary by manufacturer or modem model.
I1 A three or four digit checksum of the modem ROM (Read Only Memory) is displayed. In modems with no physical controller (aka "soft" modems), an arbitrary value is usually returned, sometimes a firmware revision code. Some vendors also ensure that their firmware checksum equals "000" or "0000" by padding the executable image. Refer to the manual that came with a modem to determine what value is correct for that modem.

Compatibility: 2 4 - R U S L T -
Note: Being listed for compatibility only indicates that the modem will return a result, but the result will vary by manufacturer or modem model.
I1 Telebit modems return a sum of results of various self-tests in addition to a firmware validity test. Any non-zero value indicates that a fault has been detected.
Compatibility: - - - - - - - T -
I1 Cirrus modems return the firmware revision.
Compatibility: - - - - - - - - C
I2 The modem ROM is checksummed and the result is compared against what the correct checksum should be, a value also stored in the ROM. If the checksum is correct, the modem returns "OK" (or "0"); otherwise, it returns "ERROR" (or "4"). In modems with no physical ROM (aka "soft" modems), the test is not performed and a "OK" (or "0") result is always returned.

On some modems, a second "OK" (or "0") is displayed following the test result.

Compatibility: - 4 - R - S L - C
Note: Being listed for compatibility only indicates that the modem will return a result, but the result will vary by manufacturer or modem model.
I2 On USR/3Com modems, a checksum is performed on the RAM in the modem.
Compatibility: - - - - U - - - -
I2 Telebit modems return the current CONNECT status.
Compatibility: - - - - - - - T -
I3 The modem firmware revision is displayed. On so-called "soft" or "controllerless" modems that have no on-board firmware, the revision of operating system support drivers that emulate the modems controller on the DTE may be displayed and this command may work even if the physical modem is not present. Some versions of "soft" modems display a meaningless string for this command or simply return OK.
Compatibility: - - - R - S L T -
Note: Being listed for compatibility only indicates that the modem will return a result, but the result will vary by manufacturer or modem model.
I3 On Cirrus modems, the device set name is displayed. No other information was provided.
Compatibility: - - - - - - - - C
I4 On Rockwell modems, displays an OEM identifier string.
Compatibility: - - - R - - - -
Note: Being listed for compatibility only indicates that the modem will return a result, but the result will vary by manufacturer or modem model.
I4 Displays the current modem settings.
Compatibility: - - - - U S - -
Note: Being listed for compatibility only indicates that the modem will return a result, but the result will vary by manufacturer or modem model.
I4 Lucent modems return configuration data on the country that the modem is designed for. For example: "North America - M40Y3BSACH03".
Compatibility: - - - - - - L -
I4 Cirrus modems return configuration data on how the modem firmware and hardware are configured, using this table of bit settings:
0 == Hayes Escape Sequence with Guard Time
1 == T.I.E.S. Escape Sequence
0 == Data/fax/voice without V.42/MNP firmware
1 == Data/fax/voice with V.42/MNP firmware
0 == Serial Host interface (probably an external modem)
1 == Parallel Host interface (probably an internal modem)
0 == No external Static RAM present
1 == External Static RAM present
0 == 8K x 8 Static RAM present (valid only if Bit 3 == 1)
1 == 32K x 8 Static RAM present (valid only if Bit 3 == 1)

Compatibility: - - - - - - - C
I5 On Rockwell modems, displays the country code parameter. No other information was provided.
Compatibility: - - - R - - - -
I5 On USR/3Com modems, "I5" displays the stored modem settings.
Compatibility: - - - - U - - -
I5 Telebit modems return the last number dialed.
Compatibility: - - - - - - - T
I6 Displays the datapump or DSP revision and possibly the datapump capabilities. On most datapumps and DSPs, including essentially all designed prior to 1997, the datapump or DSP usually cannot be reprogrammed or completely changed in the field, so this can be used to determine what types of modulations the physical hardware is capable of and/or what stepping/mask of the silicon is present in this modem.
Compatibility: - 4 - R - - - -
Note: Being listed for compatibility only indicates that the modem will return a result, but the result will vary by manufacturer or modem model.
I6 On USR/3Com modems, this command reports information about V.42/V.42bis negotiation, link diagnostics and other internal information. This command also displays the current (or end-of-connection) transmit and receive speeds.
Compatibility: - - - - U - - -
Note: Not all USR/3Com modems that support this command have it documented.
I6 Sierra modems return information on the DSP and MCP revision.
Compatibility: - - - - - S - -
I7 Rockwell modems display the DAA code. Rockwell documentation states that this value is obtained by interrogating the DAA for auto DAA recognition. A better explanation was not provided. Some of the codes returned are:
United States or Canada
United Kingdom

Compatibility: - - - R - - - -
I7 USR/3Com modems display product configuration data.
Compatibility: - - - - U - - -
Note: Not all USR/3Com modems that support this command have it documented.
I9 USR/3Com modems display its Plug and Play status.
Compatibility: - - - - U - - -
Note: Not all USR/3Com modems that support this command have it documented.
I11 On USR/3Com V.34 and faster modems, this command reports information about the loop signal quality. Of particular note, this command displays the current or end-of-connection signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and the receive signal strength, both key indicators of the basic quality of an established voice path. Also provided is the round-trip-time of the link, which can be used to estimate the physical distance between modems. (See also "I6" and "Y11").
Compatibility: - - - - U - - -
Note: Not all USR/3Com modems that support this command have it documented.
On Cirrus modems, the "K" command selects whether the modem SRAM is used for voice and FAX modes.
Standards: The "K" command is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 specification.
Compatibility: - - - - - - - - C
Modifiers Description
SRAM buffer disabled. This is the default when no SRAM is present in the modem.
SRAM buffer enabled. This is the default when SRAM is present in the modem.
If the modem has a speaker or other line monitor, this command adjusts the volume level.
Standards: EIA/TIA-602 6.3.6
Compatibility: - 4 E R U S L T C
Note: Some modems honor this command but also have a manual mechanical volume control that can override or interact with this command.
Modifiers Description
L0 Low volume
L1 Low volume
Medium volume.
Note: The EIA/TIA-602 specification does not stipulate what the default value should be, but most manufacturers have used "Medium".)
Note: Lucent modems use "L3" as the default.
High volume
Note: Most modems use "L2" as the default, but Lucent uses "L3".
If the modem has a speaker or other line monitor, this command adjusts when the speaker is active.
Standards: EIA/TIA-602 6.3.7 (describes only M0, M1, and M2)
Compatibility: Not all options are implemented in all modems. See individual option descriptions.
Note: Some modems honor this command but also have a manual volume control that can override or interact with this command.
Modifiers Description
M0 The speaker is always off.
Standards: EIA/TIA-602 6.3.7
Compatibility: 2 4 E R U S L T C
The speaker is active when the modem is off-hook and carrier is not detected.
Standards: EIA/TIA-602 6.3.7
Compatibility: 2 4 E R U S L T C
M2 The speaker is always active.
Standards: EIA/TIA-602 6.3.7
Compatibility: 2 4 E R U S L T C
M3 The speaker is active after dialing ends and turns off when carrier negotiation is completed.
Standards: The "M3" command is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 specification.
Compatibility: - - - - U S - T C
The N command directs the modem on how to negotiate carrier speed. Most modern modems utilize a series of S Registers to handle the multitude of combinations possible should it be necessary to override the modems normal negotiation practices.
Standards: The "N" command is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 specification.
Compatibility: Not all options are implemented in all modems. See individual option descriptions.
Modifiers Description
N0 In Originating or Answering a call, the DTE speed is forced to the speed specified in Register "S37".
Compatibility: - - - R - S L - C
Note: Sierra V.32bis and earlier modems support the "N" command.
When Originating a call, the DTE speed is auto-bauded starting at the DCE speed specified in Register "S37". When Answering a call, the DTE speed is always auto-bauded.
Compatibility: - - - R - S L - C
Note: Sierra V.32bis and earlier modems support the "N" command.
N2 Same as "N1" with the addition of V.23.
Compatibility: - - - - - S - - -
Note: Sierra V.32bis and earlier modems support the "N" command.
N3 When Originating a call, force DTE speed specified by Register "S37".
Compatibility: - - - - - S - - -
Note: Sierra V.32bis and earlier modems support the "N" command.
N4 Same as N3.
Compatibility: - - - - - S - - -
Note: Sierra V.32bis and earlier modems support the "N" command.
N5 When Originating a call, auto-baud the DTE speed at the DCE speed specified by Register "S37". When Answering, force DTE speed specified by Register "S37".
Compatibility: - - - - - S - - -
Note: Sierra V.32bis and earlier modems support the "N" command.
Data Mode)
The O command directs the modem to switch from Command Mode to Data Mode if a data carrier is currently established. This command is commonly-used following using the Data Mode Escape Sequence.
Standards: EIA/TIA-602 6.1.9 ("O0" only. Non-zero options are explicitly reserved for manufacturer specific operations.)
Compatibility: Not all options are implemented in all modems. See individual option descriptions.
Modifiers Description
Switch from Command Mode to Data Mode. Depending on the state of the modem and connection, several Result Codes are possible, including: "CONNECT", "NO CARRIER", "ERROR", and "CONNECT <text>".
Standards: EIA/TIA-602 6.1.9
Compatibility: 2 4 E R U S L T C
O1 Switch from Command Mode to Data Mode. As part of the transition, the modem is forced to retrain and renegotiate the connection. Depending on the state of the modem and connection, several Result Codes are possible, including: "CONNECT", "NO CARRIER", "ERROR", and "CONNECT <text>".
Standards: The "O1" command and other "On" options are allowed by the EIA/TIA-602 specification, but their function is not defined by the standard and are reserved for "manufacturer proprietary use".
Compatibility: - 4 - R U S L T C
O3 On Lucent modems, switch from Command Mode to Data Mode. As part of the transition, the modem is forced to attempt a speed renegotiation before returning online. Depending on the state of the modem and connection, several Result Codes are possible, including: "CONNECT", "NO CARRIER", "ERROR", and "CONNECT <text>".
Standards: The "O1" command and other "On" options are allowed by the EIA/TIA-602 specification, but their function is not defined by the standard and are reserved for "manufacturer proprietary use".
Compatibility: - - - - - - L - -
The "P" command causes subsequent Dial commands to dial in Pulse (rotary) mode. The setting remains in effect until a subsequent "T" command or "T" Dial Command modifier is received or the modem is reset. Some modems can also store this parameter in non-volatile memory.

The "P" command behaves the same as the "P" Modifier of the "D" command.

Standards: EIA/TIA-602 6.1.3
Compatibility: 2 4 E R U S L T C
The "Q" command is used to determine if Result Codes to this and subsequent commands or events should be sent to the DTE. When Result Codes are supressed, the modem does not generate any characters in response to the completion of a command or when an event occurs.
Standards: EIA/TIA-602 6.2.5 (Q0 and Q1 only)
Compatibility: Not all options are implemented in all modems. See individual option descriptions.
Modifiers Description
The Modem will send Result Codes to the DTE.
Standards: EIA/TIA-602 6.2.5
Compatibility: 2 4 E R U S L T C
Q1 The Modem will not send Result Codes to the DTE.
Standards: EIA/TIA-602 6.2.5
Compatibility: 2 4 E R U S L T C
Q2 Result Codes are returned when calls are Originated, but not when calls are Answered. This is the preferred setting when modems are used with dial-up systems where the "CONNECT" message from an incoming call might be inadvertantly accepted as a login username or cause other handshake problems.
Standards: The "Q2" command is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 specification.
Compatibility: - - - - U S L T -
(Examine "S"
Register r)
The "Sr?" command displays the numeric content of the specified "S" Register. For example, "S7?" displays the contents of the "S7" register.

If the "S" Register number is not specified, Register 0 is examined.

Standards: EIA/TIA-602
Compatibility: The syntax of this command is consistent through all EIA/TIA-602 compliant modems. The available "S" registers and their functions vary considerably. Refer to the description of a given "S" register for its compatibility.
Note: Rockwell modems allow the "S" to be omitted, and recognize number? as an equivalent command. For example, "AT3?" is treated as a command to display the contents of "S" Register "3". Use of this short-cut is not recommended. (RC288ACi/RC288ACL 3.2.1)
(Set "S"
r to n)
The "Sr=n" command sets the content of the specified "S" Register. For example, "S7=60" sets the contents of the "S7" register to "60".

If the "S" Register number is not specified, Register 0 is modified. If the value is not specified, the register is set to zero.

Standards: EIA/TIA-602
Compatibility: The syntax of this command is consistent through all EIA/TIA-602 compliant modems. The available "S" registers and their functions vary considerably. Refer to the description of a given "S" register for its compatibility.
Note: Rockwell modems allow the "S" to be omitted, and recognize number=number as an equivalent command. For example, "AT3=7" is treated as a command to load the value "7" into "S" Register "3". Use of this short-cut is not recommended. (RC288ACi/RC288ACL 3.2.1)
(Set "S" Bit b
of Register
r to n)
On USR/3Com modems, the "Sr.b=n" command sets the content of the specified bit of the specified "S" Register. For example, "S32.2=1" sets bit 2 of the "S32" register to 1.
Standards: The "Sr.b=n" command is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 specification.
Compatibility: - - - - U - - - -
Note: The available "S" registers and their functions vary considerably. Refer to the description of a given "S" register for its compatibility.
(List "S" Registers)
On USR/3Com modems, a list of the "S" registers are transmitted to the DTE.
Standards: The "S$" command is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 specification.
Compatibility: - - - - U - - - -
Note: The available "S" registers and their functions vary considerably. Refer to the description of a given "S" register for its compatibility.
The "T" command causes subsequent dial commands to dial in Tone (Touch-Tone or DTMF) mode. The setting remains in effect until a subsequent "P" command or "P" Dial Command Modifier is received or the modem is reset. Some modems can also store this parameter in non-volatile memory.

The "T" command behaves the same as the "T" Modifier of the "D" command.

Standards: EIA/TIA-602
Compatibility: 2 4 E R U S L T C
(Result Code Type)
The "V" command selects whether the modem returns word responses or the numeric responses that some older software that control modems require.
Standards: EIA/TIA-602 6.2.6
Compatibility: 2 4 E R U S L T C
Note: Numeric responses are largely obsolete as the word responses usually return more detailed information on established data connections or error conditions that are encountered.
Modifiers Description
V0 The modem will return numeric responses.
The modem will return word responses.
The "W" command specifies if the modem should return negotiation progress messages as part of a "D" or "O" Command. It also specifies what transmission speed should be used to send the CONNECT Result Code to the DTE.
Standards: The "W" command is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 specification.
Compatibility: Not all options are implemented in all modems. See individual option descriptions.
Note: On Lucent modems, the "S95" register interacts with the settings of this command.
Modifiers Description
The modem will not send negotiation progress messages. The CONNECT message is sent to the DTE at the DTE speed.
Compatibility: - 4 - R - S L - -
Note: Sierra V.32bis and earlier modems support the "W" command.
W1 The modem will send negotiation progress messages. The CONNECT message is sent to the DTE at the DTE speed.
Compatibility: - 4 - R - S L - -
Note: Sierra V.32bis and earlier modems support the "W" command.
W2 The modem will not send negotiation progress messages. The CONNECT message is sent to the DTE at the negotiated DCE speed.
Compatibility: - 4 - R - S L - -
Note: Sierra V.32bis and earlier modems support the "W" command.
(Result Code
When the modem returns a Result Code, the "X" Command specifies the range of Result Codes that the modem is allowed to return. The "X" command also controls how many tests the modem performs on the line when dialing a telephone number.
Standards: EIA/TIA-602 6.2.7 (specifies X0, X1, X2, X3 and X4 only)
Compatibility: Not all options are implemented in all modems. See individual option descriptions.
Modifiers Description
X0 While dialing, the dial-tone and busy signal detection are disabled. On originated calls, the modem will return CONNECT or NO CARRIER. On answered calls, the modem can return RING, CONNECT and NO CARRIER.
Compatibility: 2 4 E R U S L T C
X1 While dialing, the dial-tone and busy signal detection are disabled. On originated calls, the modem will return CONNECT <text> or NO CARRIER. On answered calls, the modem can return RING, NO CARRIER or CONNECT <text>. The CONNECT message text includes the speed of the connection.
Compatibility: 2 4 E R U S L T C
X2 While dialing, the busy signal detection is disabled and dial-tone detection is enabled. On originated calls, the modem will return NO DIALTONE, CONNECT <text> or NO CARRIER. On answered calls, the modem can return RING, NO CARRIER or CONNECT <text>. The CONNECT message text includes the speed of the connection.
Compatibility: - 4 E R - S L T C
Note: that USR/3Com modems return "NO DIAL    TONE" (with a blank between "DIAL" and "TONE') and as such are not fully EIA/TIA-602 compliant.
X3 While dialing, the busy signal detection is enabled and dial-tone detection is disabled. On originated calls, the modem will return BUSY, CONNECT <text> or NO CARRIER. On answered calls, the modem can return RING, NO CARRIER or CONNECT <text>. The CONNECT text message includes the speed of the connection.
Compatibility: - 4 E R U S L T C
While dialing, the busy signal detection is enabled and dial-tone enabled is disabled. On originated calls, the modem will return NO DIALTONE, BUSY, CONNECT or NO CARRIER. On answered calls, the modem can return RING, NO CARRIER or CONNECT. The CONNECT message includes the speed of the connection.
Compatibility: - 4 E R - S L T C
Note: that USR/3Com modems return "NO DIAL    TONE" (with a blank between "DIAL" and "TONE') and as such are not fully EIA/TIA-602 compliant.
X11 On Telebit modems, the "X11" command is similar to "X1", except that the DTE speed is returned in the CONNECT messages instead of the DCE speed.
Compatibility: - - - - - - - T -
X12 On Telebit modems, in addition to the result codes produced by X11, when originating a call the modem can also return NO DIALTONE and BUSY, as well as the progress messages RRING and DIALING. DIALING is returned when the transmission of dialed digits begins. RRING is returned for each ring-back detected.
Compatibility: - - - - - - - T -
(Long Space
Based on the setting of the "Y" Command, the modem will end a data connection, go on-hook and return to Command mode in response to a long-space disconnect signal (also known as a Modem Break) from the remote modem. The remote modem must send a continuous break signal for 1.6 seconds or longer to be considered a long-space disconnect condition.
Standards: The "Y" command is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 specification.
Compatibility: Not all options are implemented in all modems. See individual option descriptions.
Note: USR/3Com modems use the "Y" command for unrelated operations.
Modifiers Description
The modem will not respond to a long space disconnect received from the remote modem.
Compatibility: - 4 - R - S L T C
Note: Lucent modems accept and silently ignore this command.
Y1 The modem will respond to a long space disconnect received from the remote modem. If the DTE issues a "H0" command, the local modem will transmit a continuous break signal to the remote modem for four seconds before going on-hook.
Compatibility: - 4 - R - S - T C
(Select power-on
and reset
default con-
On USR/3Com modems, the "Y0" through "Y3" commands are used to control which factory-supplied or customer-stored configuration should be loaded by the modem after a reset or power-cycle operation.
Standards: The "Y" command is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 specification.
Compatibility: - - - - U - - -
On USR/3Com modems, the "Y" commands are used for two unrelated functions. This description covers "Y0" through "Y3".
Note: All other vendors use the "Y" command for unrelated operations.
Modifiers Description
On reset, the modem loads customer-profile "0" (stored via the &W0 command).
Y1 On reset, the modem loads customer-profile "1" (stored via the &W1 command).
Y2 On reset, the modem loads the factory-provided "generic" profile.
Y3 On reset, the modem loads the factory-provided "hardware flow control" profile. A configuration based on this profile is preferred for PPP connections.
Y4 On reset, the modem loads the factory-provided "software flow control" profile.
On USR/3Com modems, the "Y11" command displays a table of received signal levels at regular frequency points across the POTS line spectrum. The results of this command are valid only while a data connection is in progress.
Standards: The "Y" command is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 specification.
Compatibility: - - - - U - - - -
Note: Most USR/3Com modems that support this command do not have it documented.
All other vendors use the "Y" command for unrelated operations.
On USR/3Com modems, the "Y16" command displays a graph showing received signal levels at regular frequency points across the POTS line spectrum. The graph is created using ASCII printable characters and should be displayed using a fixed-spacing font. The results of this command are valid only while a data connection is in progress.
Standards: The "Y" command is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 specification.
Compatibility: - - - - U - - - -
Note: Most USR/3Com modems that support this command do not have it documented.
All other vendors use the "Y" command for unrelated operations.
This command resets the modem and resets all parameters to their power-on factory states. A call that is in progress may be aborted without a complete call tear-down.

On modems with non-volatile RAM, a previously-stored user configuration may also be loaded. Some types of modems with non-volatile RAM only save a subset of all the parameters in non-volatile RAM, so the items that are not saved return to the factory settings when a Z command is issued. Some modems further complicate this by having multiple factory setting "profiles", meaning one or more previously-entered commands may dictate what settings are restored following a modem reset.

The Z commands return an "OK" response code after they have been completed, but EIA/TIA-602 does not specify how long the command may take to execute. Until completely reset, the modem will not respond to new commands, and any unexecuted commands will be discarded when the Z command is executed.

Standards: EIA/TIA-602 6.1.7 (Z0 only)
Compatibility: Not all options are implemented in all modems. See individual option descriptions.
Modifiers Description
After resetting, the modem will load the factory profile, and if there is a customer stored profile #0 (or 'A'), this will be also loaded.
Standards: EIA/TIA-602 6.1.7
Compatibility: 2 4 E R - S L T C
After resetting, the modem will load the customer stored profile previously specified by the "Y" command.
Standards: EIA/TIA-602 6.1.7
Compatibility: - - - - U - - -
Z1 After resetting, the modem will load the factory profile, and if there is a customer stored profile #1 (or 'B'), this will be also loaded.
Standards: The Z1 command is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 specification.
Compatibility: - 4 - R - S - T C
Z1 On USR/3Com modems, after resetting, the modem will load the customer stored profile #0 (or 'A'), this will be also loaded.
Standards: The Z1 command is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 specification.
Compatibility: - - - - U - - - -
Z2 On USR/3Com modems, after resetting, the modem will load the customer stored profile #1 (or 'B'), this will be also loaded.
Standards: The Z2 command is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 specification.
Compatibility: - - - - U - - - -
Z3 On USR/3Com modems, after resetting, the modem will load factory profile #0 (the same specified by the &F0 command).
Standards: The Z3 command is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 specification.
Compatibility: - - - - U - - - -
Z4 On USR/3Com modems, after resetting, the modem will load factory profile #1 (the same specified by the &F1 command).
Standards: The Z4 command is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 specification.
Compatibility: - - - - U - - - -
Z5 On USR/3Com modems, after resetting, the modem will load factory profile #2 (the same specified by the &F2 command).
Standards: The Z5 command is not part of the EIA/TIA-602 specification.
Compatibility: - - - - U - - - -
Special Commands Description
(Repeat Command)
This command causes the modem to re-execute the last command performed in Command Mode. Note that this command must not be preceded by the "AT" prefix.

If the last command was a null command (AT[0x0d]), the "A/" command will result in another NULL command being performed. The Escape Sequence is not a command and therefore the "A/" command won't repeat that operation.

Commands that result in the modem resetting ("ATZ", "AT&D3H", etc) will clear the previous command history. Entering "A/" when there is no previous command results in a null command being performed and a successful result code returned.

Standards: EIA/TIA-602
Compatibility: 2 4 E R U S L T C
When the modem is in Data Mode, the modem can be forced back into Command Mode while maintaining the connection to the remote modem. Hayes modems initially used a sequence of three plus (+) characters sent by the DTE to the modem (in-band signaling) to cause the modem to revert to Command Mode. The actual character used in the escape sequence could be changed by the setting of the "S2" register. This in-band Escape mechanism can be completely disabled on most modems by setting "S2" register to 0, 128 or 255, depending on the modem. Consult the documentation to determine the correct value for the modem in question.

Once in Command Mode, a subset of commands are available. Certain commands (like the "D" command) that don't make sense to use when a data connection is already established return ERROR, or the action won't take effect until the next data connection is initiated.

Standards: The in-band Escape Sequence is not part of EIA/TIA-602.
Compatibility: 2 - - - - - - - -
with Guard
When the modem is in Data Mode, the modem can be forced back into Command Mode while maintaining the connection to the remote modem.

To reduce the chance that the modem would falsely switch to Command Mode while transmitting data that happened to include the Escape Sequence characters, this improved version required that the DTE not transmit anything to the modem for a period of time before and after the three escape characters before they would be recognized by the modem as the escape sequence. A subsequent refinement further required that all three escape characters be received within one second of one another.

Hayes obtained a patent on the addition of Guard Time to the escape sequence, and began suing other modem makers who copied this enhancement. Some of these other vendors went back to the original Escape Sequence with no guard time (a system that was not patented), while others devised alternate systems that provided similar protection against switching into Command Mode to avoid infringing the Hayes patent. Rockwell, because they were the primary maker of datapumps for Hayes, obtained free access to the Guard Time patent, and most Rockwell modems still implement this method of Escape Sequence management. USR/3Com paid Hayes for the right to use the Guard Time mechanism in their modems.

Once in Command Mode, a subset of commands are available. Certain commands (like the "D" command) that don't make sense to use when a data connection is already established return ERROR, or the action won't take effect until the next data connection is initiated.

The actual character used in the escape sequence could be changed by the setting of the "S2" register. This in-band Escape mechanism can be completely disabled on most modems by setting "S2" register to 0, 128 or 255, depending on the modem. Consult the documentation to determine the correct value for the modem in question.

Standards: The Escape Sequence is not part of EIA/TIA-602.
Compatibility: - 4 - R U S - T C
Note: By default, Sierra and Cirrus modems come with T.I.E.S. escape sequence code, but if the OEM desires the Guard Time method and is willing to pay for the Hayes patent royalty, the Hayes method is available as an option.
When the modem is in Data Mode, the modem can be forced back into Command Mode using the T.I.E.S Escape Sequence while maintaining the connection to the remote modem.

To reduce the chance that the modem would falsely switch to Command Mode while transmitting data that happened to include the Escape Sequence characters, this implementation requires at least the entire six character sequence be received (+++AT[none or more commands]0x0d) by the modem before the modem considers itself in Command Mode. The modem does respond with a "OK" result code after receiving the three escape characters, and will echo subsequent characters according to the setting of the E command, but unless the confirmation characters of "A", "T", and the ASCII code 0x0d (carriage return) are received, the modem will revert back to Data Mode. An actual command to be performed may also be present following the "AT" and preceding the carriage return character and the Escape Sequence will still be recognized.

The Time Independent Escape Sequence (T.I.E.S.) was developed to make it less likely that the modem would accidentally enter Command Mode in response to the escape characters occurring within data being transmitted. Because of Hayes position to not allow other modem vendors to infringe or license their patent for requiring idle times before and after the escape characters (known as "Guard Time"), Ventel, working with other modem makers, devised the T.I.E.S. system.

There was quite a battle in the early 1990s over this point, with Hayes briefly running the now-infamous "Tick Tick Tick Boom! You're Dead" ads that featured a non-Hayes modem strapped to sticks of dynamite and an alarm clock, and the ad made claims that the T.I.E.S. system was unreliable and bound to destroy customer data, something that would never ever happen if the customer had bought a Hayes modem, etc etc. Hayes got sued instantly. In an attempt to support their claim, Hayes distributed a free test program designed to fail when it encountered a T.I.E.S. modem and only work when it detected a Hayes modem. Then, the terminal software Hayes was distributing with their modems was modified to fail if it was ever used with a T.I.E.S. modem, even though older versions of the same software package worked fine on T.I.E.S. modems.

The entire dispute ended-up in court, with the T.I.E.S. modem makers forcing Mr. Hayes to testify. Mr. Hayes eventually admitted on the stand that T.I.E.S. was not any less reliable than the Guard Time system that Hayes had touted as superior, and evidence submitted in the trial from mathematicians showed that a T.I.E.S. modem had a lower probability of accidentally going into Command Mode, mainly because you had to send a longer specific sequence of characters to cause the Escape to occur.

Of course, all in-band Escape Sequence systems are bound to falsely switch to Command Mode under certain conditions, which is why modems that transmit binary data primarily (like PPP) should disable these in-band escape sequences entirely.

Standards: The Escape Sequence is not part of EIA/TIA-602.
Compatibility: - - - - - S - - C
Note: By default, Sierra and Cirrus modems come with T.I.E.S. escape sequence code, but if the OEM desires the Guard Time method and is willing to pay for the Hayes patent royalty, the Hayes method is available as an option.
(Information on printing color tables on color printers can be found here.)

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