Data/FAX Modem Transmission Modulation Systems

[Copyright 1986,1994,1998,2000-2002,2003,2004,2011 Frank Durda IV, All Rights Reserved.
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This is a table of many of the transmission systems used for data communication modems manufactured over the past thirty years. The name, operating speed, modulation technique, and the operating frequencies are listed. A second table briefly discusses the more common modulation techniques.

Name Data/Fax RX bps TX bps Baud Rate
(Symbol Rate)
Modulation Constel-
In Hz
In Hz
Bell 103 Data 300 300 300 FSK   1270/1070 2225/2025
Bell 108 Data 300 300 300 FSK   1270/1070 2225/2025
Bell 113 Data 300 300 300 FSK   1270/1070 2225/2025
Bell 202 Data 1200 1200 1200 FSK   1200/2400 1200/2400
(Half Duplex)
CCITT V.21 Data 300 300 300 FSK   980/1180 1650/1850
CCITT V.23 Data 1200(fwd) 75(rev) 1200/75 FSK   1300/2100(fwd) 390/450(rev)
Name Data/Fax RX bps TX bps Baud Rate
(Symbol Rate)
Modulation Constel-
Bell 212(A) Data 1200 1200 600 DPSK 4 1200 2400
Bell 201 Data 2400 2400 1200 DPSK 4 1800 1800
(Half Duplex)
CCITT V.22 Data 1200 1200 600 DPSK 4 1200 2400
Bell 208 Data 4800 4800 1600 QAM 8 1800 1800
(Half Duplex)
CCITT V.22bis Data 2400 2400 600 QAM 16 1200 2400
CCITT V.26 Data 2400 2400 1200 DPSK 4 1800 1800
Telebit PEP Data 18000 18000 variable DAMQAM (PEP) 2 to 5 bits
per carrier
Up to 511
with 7.8Hz
Half Duplex
Name Data/Fax Max RX
Max TX
Baud Rate
(Symbol Rate)
Modulation Constel-
RX Carrier
TX Carrier
CCITT V.32 Data 9600 9600 2400 TCM 32 1800 1800
CCITT V.32 Data 7200 7200 2400 QAM 16 1800 1800
CCITT V.32 Data 4800 4800 2400 QAM 4 1800 1800
CCITT V.32bis Data 14400 14400 2400 TCM 128 1800 1800
CCITT V.32bis Data 12000 12000 2400 TCM 64 1800 1800
CCITT V.32bis Data 9600 9600 2400 TCM 32 1800 1800
CCITT V.32bis Data 7200 7200 2400 TCM 16 1800 1800
AT&T V.32terbo® Data 19200 19200 2400 TCM 512 1800 1800
AT&T V.32terbo® Data 16800 16800 2400 TCM 256 1800 1800
Telebit TurboPEP Data 23000 23000 variable TCM 2 to 7 bits
per carrier
Up to 512
Half Duplex
ITU V.34 Data 33600 33600 3429 TCM   1800 1800
ITU V.34 Data 31200 31200 3200 TCM   1800 1800
CCITT V.34 Data 28800 28800 3200 TCM   1800 1800
CCITT V.34 Data 26400 26400 3200 TCM   1800 1800
CCITT V.34 Data 24000 24000 3200 TCM   1800 1800
CCITT V.34 Data 21600 21600 3200 TCM   1800 1800
CCITT V.34 Data 19200 19200 3200 TCM   1800 1800
CCITT V.34 Data 16800 16800 3200 TCM   1800 1800
Name Data/Fax Max RX
Max TX
Baud Rate
(Symbol Rate)
Modulation Constel-
RX Carrier
TX Carrier
Rockwell K56
Data 53000 V.34 8000/V.34 PCM/TCM RX 5 to 7 bits
per sample
TX uses V.34
RX uses
PCM coding
V.34 for TX
Lucent V.flex®
Data 53000 V.34 8000/V.34 PCM/TCM RX 5 to 7 bits
per sample
TX uses V.34
RX uses
PCM coding
V.34 for TX
K56flex 1996
Data 53000 V.34 8000/V.34 PCM/TCM RX 5 to 8 bits
per sample
TX uses V.34
RX uses
PCM coding
V.34 for TX
Data 53000 V.34 8000/V.34 PCM/TCM RX 5 to 7 bits
per sample
TX uses V.34
RX uses
PCM coding
V.34 for TX
ITU V.90
Data 53000 V.34 8000/V.34 PCM/TCM RX 5 to 8 bits
per sample
TX uses V.34
RX uses
PCM coding
V.34 for TX
ITU V.92
Data 53000 48000 8000 PCM 5 to 8 bits
per sample
Name Data/Fax RX bps TX bps Baud Rate
(Symbol Rate)
Modulation Constel-
In Hz
In Hz
CCITT V.21ch2 FAX 300 300 300 FSK   1650/1850 Half Duplex
CCITT V.17 FAX 14400 14400 2400 TCM 128 1800 Half Duplex
CCITT V.17 FAX 12000 12000 2400 TCM 64 1800 Half Duplex
CCITT V.17 FAX 9600 9600 2400 TCM 32 1800 Half Duplex
CCITT V.17 FAX 7200 7200 2400 TCM 16 1800 Half Duplex
CCITT V.27ter FAX 4800 4800 1600 DPSK 8 1800 Half Duplex
CCITT V.27ter FAX 2400 2400 1200 DPSK 4 1800 Half Duplex
CCITT V.29 FAX 9600 9600 2400 QAM 16 1700 Half Duplex
CCITT V.29 FAX 7200 7200 2400 QAM 8 1700 Half Duplex
CCITT V.29 FAX 4800 4800 2400 QAM 4 1700 Half Duplex
(Information on printing color tables on color printers can be found here.)

* V.34, V.90, V.92, K56, F56flex, X2, V.flex, PEP and TurboPEP all allow assymetrical speeds, with the maximum operating speed in each direction dictated by line conditions.

Data/FAX Modem Transmission System Terminology

Term Abbreviation Meaning/Description
Frequency Shift Keying FSK The original and simplest transmission system designed for sending data by telephone voice circuits or radio rather than direct electrical current loops (or something like RS-232) between sender and receiver. In FSK, the presence of one frequency tone represents a "1" and the presence of another frequency represents a "0". To allow simultaneous transmission in both directions, two pairs of frequencies are commonly used. The frequencies are usually staggered to reduce the chance that a harmonic of one frequency (or a combination of sending and receiving frequencies) is incorrectly detected as the other frequency.

Bell 103 and V.21 were the most popular systems to utilize FSK.

Phase Shift Keying PSK Similar to the transmission method used in FM radio, bits (and later Symbols) are represented as deviations in the phase of a constant frequency carrier. An unaltered signal represents the same bit value as the last bit, while a 50% reduction in frequency for one Hz period of the base frequency indicates that the next bit has a value opposite that of the last bit.

If "C" represents the crest of a waveform and "V" represents the valley, the PSK pattern CV CV CV CC VC VC CC VV CV CC VC VC VC is used to transmit the bit sequence 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0.

Differential Phase Shift Keying DPSK In this system, Symbols are represented by changes in the phase of the carrier, comparing its current state against its previous phase.

If "C" represents the crest of a waveform and "V" represents the valley, the DPSK pattern CV CV CV CC VC VC CC VV CV CC VC VC VC transmits the bit sequence 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0.

Amplitude Modulation AM Represents Symbols by different volume levels of a signal. AM forms the basis of several different modem transmission systems, but is always used in conjunction with another technique, such as Phase Encoding. AM by itself represents different bits (or symbols) as different signal amplitudes. The weaker the signal is, the harder it is to separate data from noise.
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation QAM The foundation of many high speed transmission systems, Symbols are encoded as deviations in the phase and amplitude of the carrier. This "two-dimensional" coding method increases the number of bits that can be contained in each symbol, limited only by media bandwidth and the sophistication of the receiver.

If 'C' represented the crest of a strong signal while 'c' represented the crest of a weak signal, while 'V' and 'v' were the strong and weak valleys of a waveform, the QAM signal CCvcCVcvvCcvV (13 samples) could be used to send the bit pattern 11 11 01 10 11 00 10 01 01 11 10 01 00 (26 bits). Compared to PSK, AM and DPSK, twice as much data was conveyed in the same number of cycles of the waveform.

By increasing the number of signal strength levels from two to a higher number, the number of bits that can be represented per Hz can be greatly increased without increasing the maximum frequency of the signal, which is usually constrained by the bandwidth of the transmission medium.

Trellis Coded Modulation TCM An enhancement of QAM, which adds a large number of redundant bits to each Symbol, a technique known as Forward Correction. The result is that a given Symbol has more invalid than valid bit combinations, and this means that bit errors have a higher probability of being detected at the transmission level. In TCM, the receiver uses the extra data from the previous Symbol to check the accuracy of the current Symbol. TCM is used in V.32, V.32bis and V.34 transmission systems, as well as some proprietary systems.
Pulse Coded Modulation PCM Arguably, Pulse Coded Modulation isn't a modulation at all. In the V.90 modem system, the transmitting modem is connected to the telephone network in a digital fashion, and simply emits an eight (or fewer) bit value for 1/8000th of a second that represents eight (or fewer) bits of data that the modem desires to transmit. No carrier is generated. The word (eight or seven bits, depending on channel type with seven being the case 99% of the time) is transmitted across the telephone network digitally, and when it reaches the line driver card that serves the destination telephone line, the surviving bits (some may be lost due to bit-robbing and other telephone network configuration) are converted into a voltage, using the appropriate translation tables of that country (µ-LAW or A-LAW). This voltage is held on that analog telephone line for 1/8000th of a second (125usec).

It is up to the PCM modem receiving this now-analog signal to recognize a given voltage it receives for up to 1/8000th of a second as being directly equivalent to some combination of bits of actual data. Under perfect conditions, 8,000 samples transmitted in this fashion containing seven bits per sample would yield 56,000 bits per second of transmitted data in one direction for a North American voice-bearing channel. A North American clear-channel could carry 8,000 x 8, or 64,000 bits per second, but such channels are almost never used with analog telephone lines. (European values are different.)

The voltage loss of the analog loop between the line card in the central office and the receiving modem, as well as other impairments of the loop are all evaluated during a training period. Bit combinations that cannot be uniquely identified by the receiver are skipped for the duration of this call, yielding a lower number of usable data bits transported per second. This training period cannot take into account impulse noise, only persistent impairments. Unexpected changes in line impairments forces a complete retrain to determine which bit combinations can successfully be recovered from this point forward.

The V.90 system operates using a V.34 modulation in the analog-to-digital direction of the connection. In the V.92 system, the analog modem ascertains the exact moment when the central office line card samples the line for the signal to be sent to the remote party (largely by timing when changes on data it receives from the central office occur and by computing the length of the loop by timing how long it takes to hear the echo of the analog modems own transmissions), and so the analog modem is able to use PCM in both directions if the line is capable of supporting PCM transmissions in the first place. (If V.90 won't work, V.92 certainly won't.)

V.90 is arbitrarily limited to 53,000 bits per second by the modem manufacturers, so that they can avoid having to certify that the V.flex, K56, K56flex, Aetherworks and X2 transmission systems (all predecessors of V.90) were all compliant with the maximum signal strength limits of Part 68 of the FCC Rules, which these systems could exceed under certain theoretical conditions. Rather than risk having K56flex or X2 (the only two pre-V.90 PCM modems to see wide distribution) delayed and possibly having other older modulation systems brought under similar scrutiny, PCM bit combinations that cause rail-to-rail voltage swings in adjacent samples are avoided to reduce the strength of interference the line may generate, but this also reduces the maximum possible bit rate of K56flex and X2 to around 53,333bit/sec, a limit that was kept in V.90 because of the same fear. The limit is set in the server-side modems.

In 2000, the FCC indicated that they may provide a waiver to the Part 68 requirement for the V.90 (and V.92) transmission method without testing to see if a waiver was actually needed. As of January 2004, no waiver has appeared.

However, based on actual use in countries where no limit was enforced by the server-side V.90 modems, less than one-tenth of one percent of V.90 modem owners could obtain and maintain the 56,000 bit rate, so having the 53,333 bps restriction lifted by the modem makers in the United States will not result in any significant number of modems obtaining higher PCM speeds.

This information is provided on an "AS IS" basis and contains no warranty. Most countries have regulatory authorities who will have the latest specifications and compliance information.

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Data Modem Transmission Protocols Reference (HTML)

Data/FAX Modem Reference Index (HTML)

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