This display shows the graphic of the Equalizer settings. The four values on the 4-Channel Equalizer are changeable with the four dots. Move the four dots with the mouse. Of course the 2-Channel Equalizer has 2 dots. The values of the filter corner frequences are placed on the bottom of the display. The values of the dB-rise for each frequency-band are placed on the top of the display. You can flatten the equalizer through doubleclicking on it.


Choose between 4-band EQ, 2-band EQ (just Treble und Bass) and EQ off.


Samplerate (Clockfrequency)
This Switch changes the samplingrate of the EWS. The available values are 32.0kHz, 44.1 kHz und 48.0 kHz. If the EWS is synchronized to any external digital source and the is off, you will loose the synchronization if you use this switch.


Soft Clip
This switch aktivates a soft clip algorithm (at least HW Rev. 1.1). The signal is limited for having 0 dB max. on digital out (also on D/A-Converter). If clip is aktive the limiting starts at -2.5 dB to get a soft delimitation and effects in a non true bit result at 0 dB on the digital output. A true bit result at 0 dB on digital output is possible with clip algorythm off only.
If SoftClip is turned off, digital distortion can occur on high signal-levels. The OUT-1 level display shows the occurence of digital clipping.

External Clock
This display shows the sample frequency of an external source if any digital source is connected on IN-2 and for IN-2 Input the Coax input is selected.


This display shows either the EWS is synchronized internally or synchronized externally to any digital signal source. The frequency is shown also.


This switches aktivate or deactivate the several strips or channels of the mixer. The count of Virtual Channels has to be configured in the control pannel (max. 32). EWS proMix controls the first 8 channels only. In the authors opinion the using of more than 8 channels doesn´t make sense.
Throug right-clicking on each strip button you can display a popup menu that enables you to easily turn on/off all strips.

Level Display
This display shows either the level of input or the level of output. The black bar shows the balance position. The OUT-1 display shows the distortion on output. The AUDIO IN-2 display shows the distortion on input.
The OUT-1 display shows the distortion on output. The AUDIO IN-2 display shows the distortion on input.


The volume of the analog signal on output OUT-1 is adjustable with this control. The mixer routes the first output of the EWS dream synthesizer to the analog output at startup automatically. This dream synthesizer output indicates an overhead of 20 dB. Therefore the 0 dB level isn´t on the top of the controllers level. The position 0 dB is adjustable with a double mouseclick on the controller.


The volume of the second analog output OUT-2 is adjustable with this control. The position 0 dB is adjustable with a double mouseclick on the controller.


AUDIO IN-2 Slider
This control delimites the digital input signal level on line in IN-2. It works digital based. A reduction of the input signal has to be made on the signal source. The level of the signal is shown as Byte-Counts 0 - 128 (not in dB).
An input signal which is to high is shown as input distortion on the IN-2 display.


Reverb / Chorus
This Control adjusts the proportion of the signal which will send to the reverb and chorus unit of the EWS. The display with the send values is just aktiv when the concerning effect is on.
Through right-clicking on the Reverb Send you can activate a popup menu. Here you can easily turn on/off the EWS Reverb effect without displaying the FX-Strip. You can do this also for the Chorus effect.


If the 4-channel mode is aktiv, you can divide the signal via the QuadPad to the 4 output channel. The display shows the volumerelations in digital values (0 - 64). With a double mouseclick you can center the signal within the 4 channels.
Through right-clicking into a QuadPad you can activate a popup menu. Here you can easily center the signal of all Strips within the 4 channels.

Echo Send
This control adjusts the echo proportion of the synthesizer input signal. This effect is an additional algorithm for this input especially.
Through right-clicking on the Reverb Send you can activate a popup menu. Here you can easily turn on/off the EWS Reverb effect without displaying the FX-Strip. You can do this also for the Chorus effect.


The mute switch mutes the channel.
Through right-clicking on a Mute Button you can activate a popup menu. Here you can easily turn on/off the muting for all strips (without the master strip).


The solo switch mutes all other channels.


Record Source
This switch is for record source selection of the EWS WAVE record driver. You decide to record either the Mix signal consisting of MIDI, MOD, WAVE, Audio-IN and effects (MIX) or the signal on IN-2 input. For recording any external signal source only choose IN-2. For making a internal mixdown choose MIX. In this case keep your attention to route all sources to EQ/V-SPACE/REC!! ( aktiv)


Input (IN2-Selection)
This switch selects the input source for the syntesizer.
  • CODEC: The Mix-signal of the CoDec is connected to IN-2 of the synthesizer.
  • ANALOG: signal of analog Line In-2
  • DIG.-COAX.: digital coax input
  • DIG.-OPT.: digital optical input
If no Front-/Rear modul is connected with you EWS, the digital inputs are disabled and you can't select them with the input switch.


With this switch you can route the signal either to the or to the V-Space and to the record algorithm. The switch has to be aktiv if the channel is recording in a digital mixdown.


This control adjusts the balancing between left speaker and right speaker. The center position is adjustable with a double mouseclick on the controller.
Through right-clicking on a Pan slider you can activate a popup menu. Here you can easily center the signal of all strips within the left/right channel. In 4 channel mode you can center the signal completly with the QuadPads.

This control adjusts the pitching of the channel. The neutrally position is adjustable with a double mouseclick on the controller.


FX/4-Channel (MOD / WAVE)
This switch routes the signal either to the effects or to the 4 channel playback. If 4 channel playback is selected, then the is aktiv for signal dividing. If the 4 channel playback is aktiv in the , then all virtual channels are in 4 channel mode and the QuadPads for the virtual channels are visible. Effects and 4 channel distribution at the same time is impossible. The MOD and WAVE part of the EWS got an own 4Channel mode. This means you can turn the WAVE/MOD part into 4Channel mode and still use the effects for MIDI or AUDIO IN. Therfore the fx-4ch sliders of the WAVE and MOD strip are independent from the EWS FX unit.


FX/4-Channel (AUDIO IN-2 / MIDI)
If Reverb and Chorus is deactivated, the soundcard is in 4 channel mode automatically. For MIDI and IN-2 exists no 4 channel mode. Should a distribution for MIDI or IN-2 be possible, the Reverb- and the Chorus unit has to be deactivated. The FX/4 channel switches of IN-2 and MIDI deaktivates the Reverb and Chorus unit in postion 4CH automatically. In this case the complete EWS soundcard is in 4-channel mode. For all EWS channels the is visable.


V-Space Feedback
This control adjusts the level of the V-Space 3D effect.


V-Space Delay
The delay control adjusts the delay time of the V-Space 3D effect.


V-Space 2/4-Channel
This switch changes the V-Space 3D effect from 2 channel to 4 channel output.


V-Space On/Off
This switch activates or deactivates the V-Space 3D effect.


Record Slider
This control adjusts the value of the record level for the EWS WAVE Record driver.


MIDI Slider
This control adjusts the volume of MIDI Output.


MOD Slider
This control adjusts the volume of MOD Master Output.


WAVE Slider
This control adjusts the volume of the WAVE-Master channel. The WAVE-Master channel is the stero summary of all Vitual Channels. A change of the WAVE-Master volume results in a volume change of the virtual channels.


Virtual Channel Slider
This control adjusts the volume of the particular in relation to the volume of the master channel volume.


Reverb On/Off
This switch aktivates or deaktivates the reverb. If chorus and reverb are inaktiv the complete EWS soundcard is in 4-channel mode. In this case are all MIDI channels, the MOD channels, the virtual channels and the Audio-In signal are adjustable via the . The values of the particular strips are shown when the effect is aktive.


Reverb Program
With this Combo-Box you can choose the kind of reverb.


Reverb Time
This control adjusts the duration of the reverb.


Reverb Feedback
This control adjusts the feedback from the effect output to the effect input.


Reverb Level
This control adjusts the output level of the effect.


FX - EQ / V-SPACE / REC Send
This switch selects the routing of the effect unit signal (reverb + chorus) either to the or to the V-Space and record algorithm. Mixdowns with the effect signals are possible only when this switch is active.


Chorus On/Off
This switch aktivates or deaktivates the chorus. If chorus and reverb are inaktiv the complete EWS soundcard is in 4-channel mode. In this case are all MIDI channels, the MOD channels, the virtual channels and the Audio-In signal are adjustable via the . The values of the particular strips are shown when the effect is aktive.


Chorus Program
With this Combo-Box you can choose the kind of chorus.


Chorus Delay
This contol adjusts the delay time.


Chorus Feedback
This control adjusts the feedback from the effect output to the effect input.


Chorus Depth
This control adjusts the amplitude of the modulation oscillator which has an influence to the delay.


Chorus Rate
This control adjust the speed of the modulation oscillator which has an influence to the delay.


Chorus Level
This control adjusts the output level of the effect.


Echo An/Aus
This switch activates/deactivates the Echo-effect for the synthesizer input.


Echo Delay
This control adjusts the delay time of the effect.


Echo Feedback
This control adjusts the feedback from the effect output to the effect input.


Auto-Sync (extern)
If this switch is active and an external signal source is connected on the coax input the EWS will synchroniced to the external signal source automatically. If is active the switch for changes to EXT automatically.


Sync Intern/Extern
This switch selects the synchronisation from external source or internal with the configured sampling rate. If is active the switch for changes to EXT automatically and is locked until the Auto-Sync is deactivated.


This button opens a poupup menu where you can select between loading and saving mixer files. Here you also can load a new skin. It is possible to load mixer files from older ProMix versions.


Master Strip
The master strip is active at the startup of the program. You can reduce all other strips expect this master strip. This master strip is for making basic configurations and for activeting or inactiveting additional


Record Strip
With the record strip you can adjust all parameters about the EWS WAVE Record driver and you can select either the recording of a mixdown or the recording of


Audio In-2 Strip
Steuern Sie alle Parameter des Dream Synthesizer Einganges der EWS. If a digital source is connected you are able to configure all settings for


MIDI Strip
This is for controlling the EWS GM-Synthesizer parameters. The MIDI channels are controllable in the MIDI sequencer program
If no frontmodul is connected with your EWS the MIDI-Routing control appears within the MIDI-Strip. This control routes either MIDI interface 1 or 2, or none at all, to the game/midi port on the rear of the EWS64.


MOD Strip
This is for checking the EWS MOD engine master channel. The settings of the particular MOD channels are changeable with an EWS supporting MOD Player/Tracker only.


WAVE Strip
This is for controling the WAVE Master channel. Don´t mistake it with the WAVE channel of the standard control panel. The standard control panel WAVE channel is controlling the WAVE output of the CoDec. The parameter of the particular WAVE channels are adjustable via


VC Strips
With the virtual channel strips you can control the particular WAVE Play channels of the EWS64. The stereo summary of the virtual channels are controled by the


FX Strip
This strip controls all parameters of the EWS64 effect unit.



Codec Strip
With this Mixer Strip you can configure all parameters of the EWS Crystal Codec. You can activate this Strip only when the EWS Codec is active.


Master (Codec)
Master controls the volume of the Codec summary (master) signal. The turnable regulater controls the volume, the slider controls the panorama and the M-button mutes the signal


Wave (Codec)
The Wave regulator controls the output volume of the signal from wave-files, if this files are played via EWS64 XL CODEC playback driver. The turnable regulater controls the volume, the slider controls the panorama and the M-button mutes the signal.


Synth (Codec)
The Synth regulator controls the output volume of the Dream-Synthesizer if it´s routed to the Codec. (in this case the Codec is routed to OUT1 – codec switching to OUT1 is not supported by EWS proMix. This Circumstance makes the Synth regulator not really usefull. The turnable regulater controls the volume, the slider controls the panorama and the M-button mutes the signal


CD/SYN2 (Codec)
This regulater controls the volume of an attached CD-ROM drive or of an additional attached wavetable daughterboard. The turnable regulater controls the volume, the slider controls the panorama and the M-button mutes the signal.


IN-1 (Codec)
This regulator controls the volume of an external line-in (In-1) attached signal source. The turnable regulater controls the volume, the slider controls the panorama and the M-button mutes the signal.


Beeper (Codec)
This regulator controls the volume of the mainboard beeper (when connected with your EWS).

Monitor (Codec)
This regulator controls the volume of an EWS64XL Codec recorded signal. If the MIC-In signal shall played back via the loudspeakers, the volume of the MIC-signal is adjustable with Monitor-Control in combination with Wave-Control.

Record Volume (Codec)
This regulator controls the level of the Codec record signal. In case of recording via Codec the gain of the signal is controllable depending on the input selection (input-combo box below of this regulator).


Input (Codec)
This switch is the input selector for that signal source, which will be recorded on the Harddisk by the EWS64XL Codec record driver. Mix records the output signal of the mixer, In-1 records the signal source, which is attached on In-1, Mic records the microphone signal and Synth records the signal from the SYN-Input. The Mic input is not attached on the mixer input directly. Therefore a monitoring during a microphone record is controllable via the monitor regulator only.

Mic Boost (Codec)
Additional microphone amplifier (icreases the level of the mic input signal by 20 dB)



(c) 2000 Uwe Kindler