Prepare the new HDD's or re-partiton/re-format the HDD -- 0. Copy "Shining.vxd", "disktsd.vxd" and "diskvsd.vxd" onto "c:\windows\system\iosubsys" directory. Copy "disktsd.vxd" and "diskvsd.vxd" onto "c:\windows\system\iosubsys" directory only if the OS level is Windows95 Rev B and above. Create a "C:\stfdisk2" directory and copy "stfdisk2.bat" and "" files to it. 1. New drive-- Setup the PCMCIA/CitiDISK kit with the HDD installed. Go to "My Computer", "Control Panel", "Device Manager", "Disk drives". Normally, two entries should be displayed. One is for floppy drive, one for the internal bootup C: drive. Insert the CitiROM card. A new entry for the HDD attached should pop up. Open that enty. Select "Setting". Set "int13" option to on if it was not selected. Click "OK" to complete and system will ask you to re-boot. Go to any "DOS Prompt", "c:\stfdisk2" sub-directory after reboot. Type in "STFDISK2" partition utility to partition the drive. In the Windows 95 Rev B, the system will query for "Large Disk Support..". Say "YES" to allow "FAT32" file system support or "NO" for traditional multiple partitions support. Enter "5" to "Change current fixed disk drive". Enter the drive number corresponding to the HDD attached. Use "Create Primary DOS partition" option to prepare the HDD. After the partition is done, Window95 will again ask you to re-boot. Do so and go to any "MS_DOS" prompt to format the drive by "format driveletter:". After the format, the drive is ready for use. 2. Re-partition the drive-- Setup the PCMCIA/CitiDISK kit with the HDD installed and powerup the system. A drive letter is assigned in the "My Computer" icon. Enter "STFDISK2" to invoke the DOS partition utility. Follow the procedures in step 1 to re-partition the drive. Window95 shall ask you to re-boot. Do so and go to any DOS prompt to "format driveletter:". After the format, the drive is ready for use. Note: When partition/format the HDD under the Windows95 enviroment, do not remove the whole CitiROM card and HDD setups before the process is completed. Note: If your hard disk size is larger than 2GB, you would have to make two partitions: one for primary and one for extended. FAT16 file system impose the 2GB limitation per partition. FAT32 file system support partition size up to 8 GBytes. FAT32 file system is only supported under Windows 95 Rev B in command prompt mode and regular windows mode. Note: If your hard disk size is larger than 8GB under Window95 B, the FDISK does not prompt the correct size. Make sure copy "disktsd.vxd" and "diskvsd.vxd" onto "Windows\system\iosubsys" directory and reboot. Do not copy both files if OS level is Windows 95 Rev A. Note: Steps 0 and 1 above are mandatory. User has to use the "STFDISK2.BAT" to partition the hdd larger than 2GB with multiple partitions support. Windows95 A, B( OSR2 ), C and Windows 98 does not handle the multiple partition correctly. Also, it requires "Shining.vxd" be in the "c:\windows\system\iosubsys" directory to allow correct "FORMAT" operation. Without doing so, "Data loss", "Corrupt FAT", "Cannot use long file name..." and such HDD integrity errors may happen. Note: If multiple partitions( logical drives ) scheme is preferred by user, always use the "MAXIMUM" allowable partition size when partition utility query. hardisk.txt -- April 1, 1998