************************************************************************ * Sony PRD-155SB Soundbox Driver for Windows 95 Version 1.0 * * readme.txt * ************************************************************************ This driver package contains following files. Please copy them to a floppy disk to make an installation disk. DS.INF DS430.DRV DS430MAP.SYS DS430MGR.386 DS430MP.DRV DS430PNP.VXD DS430UI.DLL DS430WIN.INI PRD150.SYS README.TXT LICENSE.TXT SBUNINST.EXE *** Installation Instructions *** Please preset the Windows 95 PCMCIA socket to 32-bit mode before installing the PRD-155SB Sound Box driver for Windows 95. Presetting PCMCIA socket to 32-bit mode 1. Quit any applications you are running, and remove the PC Card of the Sound Box from your PC card slot. 2. From the My computer window, open the Control Panel. 3. Double-click on the System icon to open the System Properties window. 4. Click the Performance tab to see the Performance Status. If the "PC Cards[PCMCIA]:" line indicates "32-bit", go to the next procedure - Installing the PRD-150 driver. If it indicates "MS-DOS compatibility mode," continue this procedure to change the PC card mode to 32-bit. 5. Double click on the PC Card(PCMCIA) icon located in the Control Panel. The message - "Welcome to the PC Card Wizard" appears. 6. Click Next until the third screen opens. The third screen indicated that the 32-bit device driver support is ready to be enabled. 7. Click Finish to enable the drivers. The message - "System Settings Change" appears. 8. Click YES to shut down your PC. Turn on your PC again, and follow the above steps 1-4 again to confirm that the PCMCIA socket works in 32-bit mode. Using the Help program. During the PCMCIA socket set-up, the PC Card(PCMCIA) Troubleshooter guides you step-by-step through the setup procedure. To activate the help program, 1) click Start in the Task Bar and select Help, 2) click the Contents tab, 3) double-click on Troubleshooting and look for PC card(PCMCIA) help. Installing the Sound Box driver 1. Insert the PC Card of the Sound Box to the PC card slot. The New Hardware Found window appears. Windows will prompt you to install "Driver from disk provided by hardware manufacturer." *** WARNING *** To cancel the installation, always use the Cancel button. Never use the "Do not install a driver" option. If you select this option, your PC rejects the PC card of the Sound Box and the New Hardware Found window will not appear again even if the PC is re-booted. If you selected this option, see the "Troubleshooting." 2. Insert the installation disk into your floppy disk drive. 3. Click OK. The Install From Disk window appears. Confirm that the indicated drive(default A) is the correct letter of your floppy disk drive. If not, please type the correct drive letter. 4. Click OK. Windows will prompt you to restart your computer. 5. Click Yes to restart your computer. Optimizing performance 1. Double-click on the System icon in the Control Panel to open the System Properties window. 2. Select the Performance tab and click File System... in the Advanced settings box. 3. Select the CD-ROM tab. 4. Select "Double-speed drivers" or higher under "Optimize access pattern for:" and click OK. Troubleshooting If you accidentally selected the "Do not install a driver" option in the New Hardware Found window.... 1. Insert the PC card of the Sound Box and remove any other PC cards in the slot. 2. Double-click on the System icon to open the System Properties window. 3. In the Device Manager, select "View devices by connection" in the upper right corner of the window. 4. Look for your PCMCIA controller in the Device Manager window, and double-click on it. "DSP Solutions-DSP Card" appears next to the PCMCIA controller. 5. Click it to highlight, and click Remove. The confirmation window appears. 6. Click OK. 7. Remove the PC card from your socket and follow the "installing the Sound Box driver" to install the correct driver. *** Before using the Sound Box *** Please read the following information before using the Sound Box under Windows 95. MIDI port resources ------------------- The default configuration enables the external MPU401 compatible MIDI port. If you do not use the external MIDI port, it is better release its I/O address space. To do so, follow the steps below: a. Open the Control Panel from the My Computer window. b. Double-click the System icon. c. Click the Device Manager tab. d. Double-click the item "Sound, video and game controllers." e. Click "DSP Solutions Multimedia Card (TM) Version 6.0" and click Properties. f. Click the Settings tab and clear the check mark of "MIDI MPU401 Configuration." MIDI MAPPER configuration ------------------------- If MIDI synthesizer playback lacks percussion instruments, set the MIDI MAPPER configuration to "Percussion on Channel 16". To do so, follow the steps below: a. Open the Control Panel from the My Computer window. b. Double-click the Multimedia icon. c. Click the Advanced tab. d. Double-click the item "MIDI Devices and Instruments." e. Click "DSPS MPU-401 Card" and click Properties. f. Click the Details tab. g. Click "Percussion on Channel 16" and click Apply. Microphone AGC configuration ---------------------------- The Sound Box is equipped with an advanced Automatic Gain Control (AGC) circuit for the microphone. When this circuit is enabled, it automatically adjusts microphone recording level, overcoming differences such as speaker voice level and microphone to speaker distance. To enable AGC, follow the steps below: a. Click Start and choose Programs > Accessories > Multimedia > Volume Control. b. From the Volume Control panel, click Options and open Properties. c. Click Recording and click OK. d. Click Options and check Advanced Controls if you do not see the Advanced button under Microphone Volume. e. Click Microphone Advanced. f. Check mark at Auto Mic Level. CD-ROM XA discs --------------- This driver does not support CD-ROM XA discs. CD-ROM Drive file system ------------------------ The Sound Box driver for Windows 95 utilizes a 16-bit CD-ROM driver, thus the installation makes modifications to the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files. Do not change or modify the added lines. Since the Sound Box driver utilizes a 16-bit CD-ROM driver, Windows 95 does not detect the media change on the CD-ROM drive. Please click View > Refresh manually when you change the disc. For the PRD-150 driver for Windows 95 users ------------------------------------------- Do not install the PRD-150 driver for Windows 95 where the Sound Box driver for Windows 95 has already installed. If you want to install the PRD-150 Windows 95 driver, un-install the Sound Box driver before installing it. You may install the Sound Box driver after installing the PRD-150 driver, but do not insert the PC Card of the PRD-150 while the Sound Box driver is installed. Doing so may freeze your PC. Un-installing this software drivers package ------------------------------------------- To uninstall this software package do the following: a. Open the Control Panel from the My Computer window. b. Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon. c. Select "DSP Solutions Multimedia Card[TM]" and click Add/Remove. d. Click OK. =============== Troubleshooting =============== 1. You do not hear the sound at all. The resouces may be conflicting. Open the Device Manager ([My Computer]/[Control Panel]/[System]/[Device Manager]) and double-click the item "Sound,video and game controllers." You will see "DSP Solutions Multimedia Card[TM] Version 6.0." Check if it is active. If not, modify the resources by doing the following. a. Double-click the item "DSP Solutions Multimedia Card..." and click the "Resource" tab. b. Clear the check mark at the "Use automatic settings" box and try another basic configuration. c. When you see the "No conflicts" message in the Conflicting device list, click OK to change the settings. 2. You do not see a CD-ROM icon in the My Computer window. Check if the following lines of CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files are present in the correct order. CONFIG.SYS: DEVICEHIGH=C:\<Windows Directory>\SYSTEM\ds430map.sys DEVICEHIGH=C:\<Windows Directory>\SYSTEM\prd150.sys /d:mscd..... AUTOEXEC.BAT: mscdex.exe /d:mscd..... If any of the above lines are missing, uninstall the software and install it again. 3. While playing an audio CD, the CD sound is not muted when the CD volume is muted or minimized in the Volume Control panel. Changing the recording source to another device will solve the problem. a. In the Volume Control panel, click "options" and select "properties." b. Click "Recording" and click OK. c. Check the "Select" box of a recording source other than CD. 4. You do not see "DSP Solutions Multimedia Card[TM]" in the Add/Remove list when un-installing. Please un-install using the un-installing program. a. Insert the driver disk into your floppy disk drive. b. Run "sbuninst.exe" in the disk. 5. AutoPlay does not work on a disc that supports it. This driver does not support AutoPlay feature.