Software Wavetable Synthesizer Installation Guide 2/23/98 System Requirements ------------------- * A PC with a 133 MHz Pentium or greater processor is recommended. * Windows95 must be installed on the PC * Microsoft's Direct Sound 3.0 or greater must be already installed on the PC. The synthesizer will not work with earlier versions. If you don't have Direct Sound installed, and don't have a copy to install, you can download it from Internet. Refer to the section entitled "How To Download Direct Sound From Internet" to find out how. Files Included -------------- README.TXT (this file) or README.DOC (this file in Microsoft Word format) CSSYNTH.INF (Windows95 installation information file) CSSYNTH.CAB (Compressed file featuring software wavetable components for installation) Installation Instructions ------------------------- 1. Start the "Add New Hardware" application located in Start->Settings->Control Panel menus. 2. Click "Next" in the Add New Hardware Wizard. 3. Select "No" when asked "Do you want Windows to search for your new hardware?", then click "Next". 4. Click and highlight the "Sound, video and game controllers" selection in the "Hardware Types" list. Click "Next". 5. Click "Have Disk" and enter or Browse to the disk drive and/or directory the software wavetable synthesizer files are located. 6. When the Select Device window comes up, there should now be "Crystal Soft Synthesizer" in the list of Models. Click "OK". Note: It may take more than one set of clicking "OK" to get to the Select Device window, depending on how you select the path to the install files. 7. When the window stating "Windows can continue installing your hardware now", click "Finish". The Software Wavetable Synthesizer is now installed after the files are finished being copied. Note: It is possible for more than one entry of "Crystal Soft Synthesizer" under the Device Manager type "Sound, video and game controllers". This is in error. To remove the excess entries, follow the procedure of "Uninstalling the Software Wavetable Synthesizer" to remove each extra one, leaving only one entry. Selecting The Software Wavetable Synthesizer As Your Default MIDI Device ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Start the "Multimedia" application located in Start->Settings->Control Panel menus. 2. Select the "MIDI" tab in the Multimedia Properties window. 3. In the "Single instrument" window, select and highlight "Crystal Soft Synthesizer" in the list of devices. Click either "OK" or "Apply" button at the bottom of that same window. The Software Wavetable Synthesizer should now be your default MIDI device. Uninstalling the Software Wavetable Synthesizer ----------------------------------------------- 1. Start the "System" application located in Start->Settings->Control Panel menus. 2. Select the "Device Manager" tab in the System Properties window. 3. Expand the "Sound, video and game controllers" node by clicking on mouse on the "+" to its left. 4. Select/highlight the "Crystal Soft Synthesizer" entry. 5. Click the "Remove" button and then when the Confirm Device Removal warning box comes up, click the "OK" button to remove the device. Selecting the Synthesizer Source With the Mixer ----------------------------------------------- To select the Software Wavetable Synthesizer as the source with the Windows audio mixer, select the mixer application located in the Start->Programs->Accessories->Multimedia->Volume Control menus. The application named "Master Out" will be shown. The "Wave" control is the one used by the Software Wavetable Synthesizer (not the "Synth"). Be sure the Mute box for "Wave" does not have a checkmark. Also be sure the "Master Out" control does not have its "Mute all" box checked. If the "Wave" control is not displayed, use the Options->Properties menu, and select the Adjust Volume for Playback. Be sure to check the volume control check box for "Wave" and "Master Out". How To Run the Software Wavetable Synthesizer --------------------------------------------- The software synthesizer is activated by using the Windows Media Player (Mplayer) application located in the Start->Programs->Accessories->Multimedia->Media Player menu. Use the Device->MIDI Sequencer menu of Media Player to select the software synthesizer. Select a MIDI file from the list, or provide a path to a to a different .MID file in another location to play. Once a file is selected, press the Play (>) button to play it. How To Download Direct Sound From Internet ------------------------------------------ You can download the Microsoft Direct Sound (also known as "DirectX") files from Internet using your web browser. The Microsoft web page address is: Once you get to the web page, go to the area named "Resources". From the Resources area, go to the "End User Downloads" area. Choose the target "DirectX Software X.X", and get the latest numbered version available in the in the language you desire. The file you will download will be a Windows executable (.EXE) file. Once you have downloaded that file to your hard disk, you can install the files on your computer by double-clicking on this file using Windows Explorer. Note: The Microsoft Web Page is subject to periodic changes. The information contained here is accurate from when this document was created. Cirrus Logic is not responsible for any changes made by Microsoft to their web page. Windows Registry Values ----------------------- All registry variables are located in the following node: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Crystal\SoftSynth\0.0 Start the Windows REGEDIT.EXE program (found in the \WINDOWS directory) to edit any of the parameters in the node. The following Windows Registry Keys are read and/or written by the software synthesizer code stack. They will be written to the registry after the first usage of the software synthesizer. Note the parameters with active numerical values may be in hexadecimal, with their decimal integer values displayed in parentheses after the hexadecimal value. By double-clicking on a parameter name, the value can be changed in either hexadecimal or decimal. Chorus - If 0, chorusing effect is off. ChorusDepth - (0->100) default= 88, adjusts chorus effect. ChorusRate - (0->100) defaulted= 60, can be used to adjust chorus effect. Reverb - If 0, reverb is off (active is value 1). ReverbPreset - Can be 0 or 1 for the two reverb preset effects. VoiceCap - Default 32, the number of voices the synthesizer will drive. SampleSet - Path and file name of the file containing the synthesizer's sample set. CPUMetric - Determined on the first run, used to calculate synthesizer CPU usage. CPUUsageMode - 0, usage in voices; 1, usage in percent. FocusFix - If set, gives focus to the hidden DS application to force the output format to the one used by the synthesizer. Without this, the synthesizer can sound noisy. GlobalGain - Log scaled value, set on cssynth.exe panel. MMX - Set to 1 if MMX enabled processor (Pentium with MMX enabled) exists. OutFs - Output rate of the synthesizer. Always value of 22050 for now. The following registry entries are not written by the software, though they are checked during use. If they are added manually by hand, the performance of the synthesizer can be altered. Preset1RevGain0 - Floating point string coefficient for first tap delay. Preset1RevGain1 - Floating point string coefficient for second tap delay. Preset1RevGain2 - Floating point string coefficient for third tap delay. Preset1RevGain3 - Floating point string coefficient for fourth tap delay. Preset1RevDel0 - Floating point string in ms (milliseconds), delay of first tap. Preset1RevDel1 - Floating point string in ms (milliseconds), delay of second tap. Preset1RevDel2 - Floating point string in ms (milliseconds), delay of third tap. Preset1RevDel3 - Floating point string in ms (milliseconds), delay of fourth tap. Preset1RevFc - Floating point string, low pass filter coefficient. Preset1RevFwd - Floating point string, mix level coefficient of reverb effect. A second set of such entries determines the parameters for the second reverb preset. Preset2RevGain0 - Floating point string coefficient for first tap delay. Preset2RevGain1 - Floating point string coefficient for second tap delay. Preset2RevGain2 - Floating point string coefficient for third tap delay. Preset2RevGain3 - Floating point string coefficient for fourth tap delay. Preset2RevDel0 - Floating point string in ms (milliseconds), delay of first tap. Preset2RevDel1 - Floating point string in ms (milliseconds), delay of second tap. Preset2RevDel2 - Floating point string in ms (milliseconds), delay of third tap. Preset2RevDel3 - Floating point string in ms (milliseconds), delay of fourth tap. Preset2RevFc - Floating point string, low pass filter coefficient. Preset2RevFwd - Floating point string, mix level coefficient of reverb effect.