Monster 3D II, Windows 9x, README File Rel. 0998 This README file contains important information. Be sure to read this file BEFORE you continue with the installation. Diamond Multimedia will not accept responsibility for any possible damages that could result from failure to read the information in this file. 1. Version Notes 2. General System Requirements 3. New Driver Characteristics 4. Problems Solved with this Driver 5. Known Restrictions for this Driver 6. Additional Requirements 7. Notes about Monitor Selection 8. Support / Service / Latest Software 1. Version Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------- Driver for Windows 9x: Glide: 2.53 & 3.0 2. General System Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------- An installed DirectX5 runtime has to be installed. 3. New driver features ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Updated SLI functionality. For example, if you SLI 2 8mb cards, you will see an 8mb framebuffer and 8mb of texture memory. - A tool to sweep old Glide files has been added. - The Diamond driver works only at Diamond Monster 3D II boards. 4. Problems Solved with this Driver ------------------------------------------------------------------- None 5. Known Restrictions for this Driver ------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 AMD K6-2 CPU Support for the AMD K6-2 CPU is not yet included. 6. Additional Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.1 DirectX - Microsoft DirectX 5 Runtime must be installed. You can get DirectX 5 from the SuperCD or from the Microsoft Web site: 7. Notes about Monitor Selection ------------------------------------------------------------------- In order for you to get the most out of your graphics card, the monitor that you use should have performance specifications that match those of your graphics card. NOTE: Please adjust your monitor settings in the Display Properties dialog. ---- I M P O R T A N T ---- Use only settings for resolution and refresh rate that are supported by your monitor. Permanent damage to your monitor can result if you operate it for extended periods with settings outside its specifications. If you change monitors, be sure to compare monitor parameters and, if necessary, make appropriate changes! 8. Support / Service / Latest Software ------------------------------------------------------------------- To find out how to reach DIAMOND Multimedia, please consult the documentation that came with your product. Current information is available on our Web sites. EUROPE USA JAPAN All product names listed are trademarks or copyrights of their respective owners. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Diamond Multimedia Systems, Inc. (c) 1993-98, All Rights Reserved European Division ( -------------------------------------------------------------------