On this screen, you have two options:
After selecting Configure network settings for me, you will be presented a confirmation screen that will allow you to view the automatic configuration settings.
You will also have the opportunity to print a test page that shows two settings: print a test page at the end of this wizard (you will be given this option on the last screen in the wizard), or print a Jetdirect test page by pressing the configuration (test) button on the print server.
Depending on the protocol you use, the printer setup wizard will configure the following items:
This installer does not support printer installation or printer object creation on Novell servers. It supports only direct-mode network installation between this Windows PC and a printer. To install your printer and create objects on your Novell server, please use another utility such as Web Jetadmin, HP Install Network Printer Wizard, or a Novell utility such as NWadmin.