             Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI Device Drivers for Intel PIIX
                               SCO UNIX 5.0
                              Revision 3.60a

                             (August 6,1997)


    1)  Install SCO UNIX 5.0 using the default SCO IDE driver.
    2)  Reboot your SCO UNIX system.
    3)  Insert Triones supplied diskette into the 3.5inch floppy drive of
        your system. Use doscp command to copy the file TRISCO.TAR to your
        /tmp directory.
        For example, if you are using floppy drive A, type:
            doscp  a:/scounix/trisco.tar /tmp/trisco.tar
    4)  From root directory, type the following commands:
            mkdir  /inst
            cd  /inst
            tar  xvf  /tmp/trisco.tar  .
        (NOTE: there is a period at the end of the last command.)
    5)  Install the driver by typing:
    6)  Follow the steps and procedures (for control parameter configuration)
    7)  Reboot your SCO UNIX system.

    1)  Change the directory to /inst.
    2)  Remove the driver by typing: