Question: How do I reduce the dialing volume of the speaker and make this a permanent setting in the modem?


1. Go to Control Panel | Modems | Properties button. Lower sound volume.

2. Go to Control Panel | Multimedia | Audio tab. Lower sound volume.

3. If the modem sound is still too high, you can turn it off by adding an m0 to your modem initialization string in the applications you are using.

To permanently turn the modem sound off, make the following setting change in HyperTerminal.

1. Go to the Start menu | Programs | Accessories | HyperTerminal.

2. Double click on hypertrm.exe. When application opens you will be prompted to name the session. Type Test [OK].

3. The next screen will prompt you for a phone number; type 123 in phone number box. Below that make sure Connect Using has the TDK modem selected. Click OK.

4. Click Cancel in the Connection screen.

5. You are now in a blank screen with a flashing cursor. Type at&f [enter]. (You might not see what you are typing.) Type atm0&w0 [enter].

6. Exit out of HyperTerminal.

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