APAR ABSTRACTS: ix41989 Entire path must be used to export filesystem with NFS. ix37935 If a user telnets into AIX PS/2, his login shell has a filesize limit of 524280 blocks regardless of the systemwide default set in the sysparms section of /etc/system. The only exception to this is if the filesize limit for the userid used is set in the gcos section of the /etc/passwd file. This problem also exists if rlogin, rexec, or rsh is used. This problem does not exist if the user logs in from a regular tty or from the console. ix45306 Sliplogin hangs telebit
modems. When SLIP is used to connect two 19200
ix45391 SLIP cannot reuse old SLIP ports. Change needs to be made such that slip will reuse a connection after it has disconnected a line. i.e. if you do a: # sliplogin -t /dev/tty0
It should resuse the same sl0 portnumber... SLIP does not allow greater than 10 slip lines at once and netstat does not understand greater than 10 slip connections. ix46220 tn -e3270 sends a full screen
of characters when the clear key is sent,
SMALL PROGRAMMING ENHANCEMENTS (U419369): ix36918 Timed has been changed to change hardware clock, not just the system clock. ix36919 SLIP support has been added to AIX. SLATTACH
APAR ABSTRACTS (U419369): ix23326 Merge fails to write to external diskette drive. Writing to drive b seems to write part of the file followed by garbage. This occurs using 'dosread' and the 'copy' command under DOS MERGE. The problem is also being encountered with the format command. ix29955 If the token ring cable
is disconected from the token ring card in a machine without ifconfiging
the card down, one of the following messages is given:
ix30909 Setting up multiple SOA
entries in named data and named rev files causes named to fail after reporting
error message:
ix31531 The fix affects /etc/x25ip.hlpr
and x25ip.o It adds a new configurable
parameter to /etc/ddi/x25ip.dd.
'calloutnames' which contains the names
of TCP/IP programs that may place outgoing calls (i.e., call requests).
For example, if the user wishes to allow telnet, rcp, and ftp to be
allowed to place outgoing call requests, then he could code the following
in /etc/ddi/x25ip.dd :
ix32390 When aix is pinged with
packet size greater than 2000 bytes, the machine will hang with the message:
ix32746 add assign atoe back to 3270keys ix32864 telnet does not support Greek chars on 3151 ix33516 Merge does not reread diskettes when they are changed The contents of the first disk are displayed instead of the second disk. ix33697 etoa : telnetd and tn do not support Greek tn3270 ascii to ebcdic translation does not work with Greek characters (supported by ibm3151 cartridge). ix36507 If a file is rcp'd to itself, the file will be corrupted. ix36510 When doing a telnet into a 130 system that has ae = true and logger = true will give the version number 1.02.