If you have any! card in the machine with it's adf not on the DCA Solaris will crash or hang. You can copy the adf (Ed into A:\solaris\mca_adf) and make the entry in the Master file (Ed. A:\solaris\devicedb\master) and it works. Even for card not useable with Solaris.the FCSM crashed on a Lacuna when configuring devices from my 2.6FCS media. FCS is the sun term for initial release. A:\solaris\devicedb\master version 1.0 )master 1.156 97/05/28 SMI"
Database format:- <dev ids> <name> <dev type> <bus> <realmode dvr> <dev desc> <properties> 8fda chanmux vid mca none "XGA-2 display adapter" dev
ids List of
unique device identifiers, seperated by the "pipe" character '|' when more
than one ID should match the same entry.
dev type The device type. Valid values are: com ... Serial ports
bus The bus type (eg all, isa, pnpisa, eisa, mca, pci) realmode dvr The realmode driver for bootable devices, otherwise "none". dev desc Freeform descriptive device text properties
Optional additional device properties of the form name=value eg ipl=3.
Properties are added to the device tree node passed to the kernel. This
field is also used to make this database "extensible". Properties
which begin with a dollar sign are are used to pass information to the
Configuration Assistant, but are not added to the device tree. For example,
the $forceload property tells the Configuration Assistant that it must
always load the specified bef in order for that bef to set additional properties
on the node.
Micro-channel devices # id is the config file name (without leading character and trailing ".adf") # PLEASE keep this list in numerical order. # 0708 aha msd mca aha1540.bef "Adaptec 1640 SCSI controller (Buslogic BT646)" 0F1F aha msd mca aha1540.bef "Adaptec 1640 SCSI controller" 61c8 smc net mca smc.bef "SMC 8013EP/A network adapter" 61c9 smc net mca smc.bef "SMC 8013WP/A network adapter" 627c elx net mca elx.bef "3Com 3C529 network adapter" 627d elx net mca elx.bef "3Com 3C529-TP network adapter" 628b iee net mca iee.bef "INTEL Etherexpress network card" 62f7 elx net mca elx.bef "3Com 3C529-TP network adapter" 6fc0 smc net mca smc.bef "WD8003E/A or WD8003ET/A network adapter" 6fc1 smc net mca smc.bef "WD8003ST/A network adapter" 6fc2 smc net mca smc.bef "WD8003W/A network adapter" 80ec chanmux vid mca none "Matrox MGA display adapter" 8efc corvette msd mca corvette.bef "IBM Corvette SCSI adapter" 8eff mcis msd mca mcis.bef "IBM PS/2 SCSI adapter" 8f82 mlx msd mca mlx.bef "Mylex DAC960 Disk Array Controller (cheetah)" 8fbb mlx msd mca mlx.bef "Mylex DAC960 Disk Array Controller (passplay)" 8fda chanmux vid mca none "XGA-2 display adapter" 8fdb chanmux vid mca none "XGA-2 display adapter" 90ee chanmux vid mca none "SVGA display adapter" 917b chanmux vid mca none "SVGA display adapter" e001 tr net mca tr.bef "3Com 3C629 Tokenlink III Token Ring network" eee7 asy com mca none "Serial port" $forceload=yes efd4 smc net mca smc.bef "IBM ENA 13W network adapter" efd5 smc net mca smc.bef "IBM ENA 13E network adapter" effd chanmux vid mca none "IBM VGA display adapter" # |