Int 10/AX=5F5Ch

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Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - SET VERTICAL COMPENSATION

AX = 5F5Ch
BL = type of vertical compensation to use
00h no compensation
01h automatic centering
02h set centering register
DX = centering value (bits 9-0 only)
03h non-automatic centering
04h set vertical line insertion register
DL = vertical line insertion (bits 3-0 only)
05h set alternate maximum scanline register
DL = alternate maximum scanline (bits 4-0 only)
06h enable text stretching, type 0
07h enable text stretching, type 1
08h enable text stretching, type 2
09h enable text stretching, type 3
0Ah disable text stretching
0Bh set vertical line replication register
DL = vertical line replication (bits 3-0 only)
0Ch enable graphics stretching, type 0
0Dh enable graphics stretching, type 1
0Eh disable vertical graphics stretching
0Fh disable all horizontal and vertical compensation
10h enable optimal compensation
11h disable optimal compensation

AL = 5Fh if function supported AH = status 00h unsuccessful 01h successful

See Also: AX=5F50h - AX=5F5Eh - AX=5F5Fh

Category: Video - Int 10h - C


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