Int 10/AX=BF12h

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VIDEO - Compaq Extensions - NEW ACTIVE MONITOR

AX = BF12h
BH reserved
BL = function mask (see #00215)

CF clear

Notes: This function is a NOP if the VGA subsystem is inactive or the current Display Combination Code is 10h or higher. Supported by at least the QVision board and the LTE Lite and ProSignia ROM BIOSes

See Also: AX=BF01h - AX=BF02h - #00733

Bitfields for function mask: Bit(s) Description (Table 00215) 7 command mode. If set, bits 1 and 0 make the monitor active when set. If clear, bits 1 and 0 toggle the monitor's state when set 6-2 reserved 1 internal monitor 0 external monitor

Category: Vendor-specific BIOS Extensions - Int 10h - V


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