Int 1A/AX=B10Ah/SF=1011h

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AX = B10Ah subfn 1011h
BH = bus number
BL = device/function number (bits 7-3 device, bits 2-0 function)
DI = register number (0000h-00FFh) (see #00878)

CF clear if successful ECX = dword read CF set on error AH = status (00h,87h) (see #00729) EAX, EBX, ECX, and EDX may be modified all other flags (except IF) may be modified

Notes: This function may require up to 1024 byte of stack; it will not enable interrupts if they were disabled before making the call. The meanings of BL and BH on entry were exchanged between the initial drafts of the specification and final implementation

See Also: AX=B10Ah - AX=B10Ah/SF=8086h

Format of DEC DC21140/DC21040/DC21041 Tulip {Fast/Plus} Ethernet: Offset Size Description (Table 00923) 00h 64 BYTEs header (see #00878) (vendor ID 1011h, device ID 0014h) 10h DWORD base I/O port for access to control/status registers 14h DWORD base memory address for access to control/status registers 40h DWORD configuration driver area

bit 31:
Sleep mode \ only one of bits 31,30 may be set

bit 30:
Snooze mode /

bits 15-8:
Device driver's use !!!digital\21041hm.pdf p.34 digital\21140ahm.pdf p.35

See Also: #00742

Format of DEC 21052 PCI-PCI bridge PCI configuration data: Offset Size Description (Table 00924) 00h 64 BYTEs header, type 1 (see #00878) (vendor ID 1011h, device ID 0021h) 40h BYTE chip control 41h BYTE diagnostic control 42h BYTE burst counter 43h BYTE SErr disable 44h BYTE primary target wait timer 45h BYTE secondary target wait timer 46h 2 BYTEs reserved 48h DWORD count of secondary write attempts 4Ch DWORD count of primary write attempts 50h 44 DWORDs reserved !!!digital\21052ds.pdf p.117

See Also: #00742

Category: Expansion Bus Bios - Int 1Ah - P


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