Int 21/AX=2529h

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Phar Lap 386/DOS-Extender - LOAD FLAT MODEL .EXP or .REX FILE

AX = 2529h

ES:EBX -> parameter block (see #01369) ???

Note: Details not available at this time

See Also: AX=252Ah

Format of Phar Lap program load parameter block: Offset Size Description (Table 01369) 00h DWORD initial EIP 04h WORD initial CS 06h DWORD initial ESP 0Ah WORD initial SS 0Ch 4 WORDs initial DS, ES, FS, GS 14h DWORD minimum size in bytes of program segment 18h DWORD bytes of additional memory allocated 1Ch DWORD flags

bit 0:
Child linked with -UNPRIVILEGED ---v6.0+ ---

bit 1:
Child is PE file instead of .EXP

bit 2:
Loaded file is a DLL bits 3-31 reserved ---v6.0+ --- 20h DWORD module handles (PE files only) 24h 7 DWORDs reserved (0)

Category: DOS Extenders - Int 21h - P


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