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AX = 252Ah DS:EDX -> ASCIZ program name ES:EBX -> parameter block (see #01363) ECX = size of LDT buffer in bytes ESI = bit flagsbit 0:
Allow demand paging rather than loading entire programbit 1:
Demand page from swap file rather than from .EXP
CF clear if successful EAX = VMM handle or FFFFFFFFh if none ECX = number of descriptors in LDT buffer CF set on error EAX = error code 02h file error EBX = file error code (see #01370) ECX = DOS error code if EBX=1,2,3, or 8 08h insufficient memory EBX = memory error code (see #01371) 80h LDT buffer too small 87h called twice without intervening call to AX=2531h
See Also: AX=2512h - AX=2517h - AX=2529h - AX=2531h
(Table 01370) Values for Phar Lap file error code: 01h DOS open error 02h DOS seek error 03h DOS read error 04h not an .EXP or .REX file 05h invalid file format 06h -OFFSET is not a multiple of 64K 07h -NOPAGE incompatible with -REALBREAK/-OFFSET 08h DOS error loading .EXE file
(Table 01371) Values for Phar Lap memory error code: 01h out of physical memory 02h out of swap space 04h unable to change extended memory allocation 05h -MAXPGMMEM exceeded 06h insufficient low memory to REALBREAK value 07h insufficient low memory for PSP and environment
Category: DOS Extenders - Int 21h - P
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