Int 21/AX=4402h

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10NET v5.0 - 10BEUI.DOS - API

AX = 4402h
BX = file handle referencing device "10BEUI$"
DS:DX -> parameter record (see #01495)
CX ignored

CF clear if successful AX destroyed CF set on error AX = error code (01h,05h,06h,0Dh) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h)

See Also: AX=4402h"10MEMMGR" - INT 6F/AH=00h"10NET"

Format of 10NET 10BEUI.DOS parameter record: Offset Size Description (Table 01495) 00h WORD 000Ah (function number???) 02h WORD ??? 04h DWORD pointer to buffer for ??? 08h 4 BYTEs ??? 0Ch WORD transfer size

Category: Network - Int 21h - @


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