Int 21/AH=64h/BX=00B6h

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OS/2 v2.1+ Virtual DOS Machine - OS/2 API DosQFSAttach

AH = 64h
BX = 00B6h (API ordinal)
CX = 636Ch (magic value "cl")
DS = user's data segment
ES:DI -> FSQAttachStruc (see #01749)

CF set on error AX = error code (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h) CF clear if successful AX = 0000h data buffer filled

See Also: AH=64h/CX=636Ch

Format of OS/2 Virtual DOS Machine FSQAttachStruc: Offset Size Description (Table 01749) 00h DWORD reserved 04h DWORD pointer to the offset of the data buffer length 08h DWORD pointer to the offset of the data buffer 0Ch WORD FSA Info level 0Eh WORD ordinal index into table 10h DWORD pointer to the offset of the device name

Notes: The segment value of the buffer, buffer length, and device name MUST all be the same. It is defined on entry in the DS register. The details of each info level are defined in the OS/2 CP Reference.

Category: Other Operating Systems - Int 21h - O


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