Int 21/AH=70h

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AH = 70h
AL = subfunction
00h get ??? info
CX = buffer size (3Ah bytes needed)
ES:DI -> buffer
01h set above info
CX = number of bytes to set
DS:SI -> buffer containing ??? info (see #01774)
02h set general internationalization info (see also AX=6500h)
DS:SI -> buffer containing info (see #01775)
CX = buffer size in bytes (up to 26h bytes used)
first three bytes are skipped, the rest is copied to somewhere
in the DOS data segment

CF clear if successful ES:DI buffer filled (func 00h) (see #01774) CX = number of bytes actually set or returned (max 003Ah for functions 00h and 01h under v7.00, 0026h for function 02h) CF set on error AX = error code 7000h if function not supported

See Also: AH=38h - AH=65h

Format of MS-DOS v7.0 ??? table: Offset Size Description (Table 01774) 00h 58 BYTEs ??? country-specific information returned was (among others) "ENU USA GR"..."AM PM M/d/yy"... "dddd,MMMMdd,yyyy" in the German Preview version, and "US" instead of "GR" in the US build 450 version (with German country setting) and the US build 950a version with US country settings

See Also: #01775

Format of MS-DOS v7.0 internationalization table: Offset Size Description (Table 01775) 00h 3 BYTEs unused (and ignored by DOS) 03h WORD country ID (see #01400 at AH=38h) 05h WORD code page (see #01757) 07h WORD date format 09h 5 BYTEs ASCIZ currency symbol string 07h 2 BYTEs ASCIZ thousands separator 09h 2 BYTEs ASCIZ decimal separator 0Bh 2 BYTEs ASCIZ date separator 0Dh 2 BYTEs ASCIZ time separator 0Fh BYTE currency format bit 2 = set if currency symbol replaces decimal point bit 1 = number of spaces between value and currency symbol bit 0 = 0 if currency symbol precedes value 1 if currency symbol follows value 10h BYTE number of digits after decimal in currency 11h BYTE time format bit 0 = 0 if 12-hour clock 1 if 24-hour clock 12h DWORD address of case map routine (FAR CALL, AL = character to map to upper case [>= 80h]) 16h 2 BYTEs ASCIZ data-list separator 18h 10 BYTEs reserved

Note: This table has the identical format to the extended country information retrieved via AH=65h with info ID = 01h

See Also: #01399 - #01750

Category: DOS Kernel - Int 21h - M


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