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AX = 71A6h BX = file handle DS:DX -> buffer for file information (see #01784) CF set
CF clear if successful file information record filled CF set on error AX = error code 7100h if function not supported
See Also: AX=71A7h/BL=00h
Format of Windows95 file information: Offset Size Description (Table 01784) 00h DWORD file attributes 04h QWORD creation time (0 = unsupported) 0Ch QWORD last access time (0 = unsupported) 14h QWORD last write time 1Ch DWORD volume serial number 20h DWORD high 32 bits of file size 24h DWORD low 32 bits of file size 28h DWORD number of links to file 2Ch DWORD unique file identifier (high 32 bits) 30h DWORD unique file identifier (low 32 bits)
Note: The file identifer and volume serial number together uniquely identify a file while it is open; the identifier may change when the system is restarted or the file is first opened
Category: DOS Kernel - Int 21h - W
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