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AX = F216h subfn 25h CX = length of request packet in bytes DX = 0000h (no reply packet) DS:SI -> request packet (see #02137) ES:DI ignored
AX = status (see #02860 at INT 2F/AX=7A20h/BX=0000h)
See Also: AH=F2h"Novell" - AX=F216h/SF=02h
Format of NetWare "Set Directory/File Information" request packet: Offset Size Description (Table 02137) 00h WORD length of following data 02h BYTE 25h (subfunction "Set Directory/File Information") 03h BYTE directory handle 04h BYTE search attributes 05h DWORD sequence number 09h DWORD change bits 0Dh DWORD directory number 11h DWORD attributes 15h BYTE unique ID 16h BYTE flags 17h BYTE name space (see #02387) 18h BYTE length of directory/file name 19h 12 BYTEs directory/file name 25h DWORD creation date and time 29h DWORD (big-endian) owner ID 2Dh DWORD last-backup date and time 31h DWORD (big-endian) last-backup ID 35h DWORD last-modification date and time 39h DWORD (big-endian) last-modification ID 3Dh DWORD file size 41h DWORD data fork first FAT 45h DWORD next trustee entry 49h 36 BYTEs reserved 6Dh WORD inherited rights mask 6Fh WORD last-access date 71h 20 BYTEs reserved 85h DWORD primary entry 89h DWORD name list
Category: Netware - Int 21h - N
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