Int 21/AX=F223h/SF=10h

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Novell NetWare v2+ - AFP 2.0 SET FILE INFORMATION

AX = F223h subfn 10h
CX = length of request packet in bytes
DX = 0000h (no reply packet)
DS:SI -> request packet (see #02334)
ES:DI ignored

AX = status (see #02860 at INT 2F/AX=7A20h/BX=0000h)

See Also: AH=F2h"Novell" - AX=F223h/SF=09h - AX=F223h/SF=11h

Format of NetWare "AFP 2.0 Set File Information" request packet: Offset Size Description (Table 02334) 00h WORD (big-endian) length of following data 02h BYTE 10h (subfunction "AFS 2.0 Set File Information") 03h BYTE volume number 04h DWORD AFP entry ID 08h WORD request bitmap (see #02320) 0Ah WORD directory/file attributes (see #02335) 0Ch WORD creation date in AFP format 0Eh WORD last-access date in AFP format 10h WORD last-modified date in AFP format 12h WORD last-modified time in AFP format 14h WORD last-backup date in AFP format 16h WORD last-backup time in AFP format 18h 32 BYTEs Finder information 38h 6 BYTEs ProDOS information 3Eh BYTE path length 3Fh N BYTEs AFP-style pathname (relative to AFP entry ID)

See Also: #02319

Bitfields for NetWare AFP directory/file attributes: Bit(s) Description (Table 02335) 0 read-only 1 hidden 2 system 3 execute-only 4 subdirectory 5 archive 7 shareable file

See Also: #02334

Category: Netware - Int 21h - N


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