Int 26/CX=FFFFh

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DOS 3.31+ - ABSOLUTE DISK WRITE (32M-2047M hard-disk partition)

AL = drive number (0=A, 1=B, etc)
DS:BX -> disk write packet (see #02552)

CF clear if successful CF set on error AH = status (see #02547) AL = error code (same as passed to INT 24 in DI) may destroy all other registers except segment registers

Notes: Partition is potentially >32M (and requires this form of the call) if bit 1 of the device attribute word in the device driver is set. Original flags are left on stack, and must be removed by caller. This call bypasses the DOS filesystem, though DOS 5+ invalidates any disk buffers referencing sectors which are written with this call. For FAT32 drives (which may be up to 2TB in size), use INT 21/AX=7305h. Windows98 will display an error message and deliberately hang the system on attempted write to any hard disk if neither bit 7 of the Extended Drive Info byte nor bit 6 of "DOS_FLAG" (List-of-Lists+60h) is set

See Also: INT 13/AH=03h - INT 25/CX=FFFFh - INT 26 - INT

Format of disk write packet: Offset Size Description (Table 02552) 00h DWORD sector number 04h WORD number of sectors to read 06h DWORD transfer address

See Also: #02548

Category: DOS Kernel - Int 26h - D


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