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AX = 7AF1h BL = sequence number (01h first driver, 02h second, 00h no driver)
AX <> 7AF1h if present BH = total number of drivers ---if BL nonzero on entry--- AL = number of ports provided by specified driver ES:DI -> driver entry point (see #02910,#02911,#02912,#02913,#02914,#02915,#02916,#02917) ES:DX -> ID string
See Also: INT 7A/BX=001Ch
(Table 02910) Call Access Server driver "initialize port" function with:. AH = 01h. AL = port number (00h-0Fh). ES:BX -> configuration parameter block (see #02923). Interrupts disabled
CF clear if successful CF set on error
See Also: #02911
(Table 02911) Call Access Server driver "get port status" function with:. AH = 02h. AL = port number (00h-0Fh). Interrupts disabled
CF clear if successful BL = transmitter status (see #02920) BH = receiver status (see #02921) DL = external status signals (see #02922) CF set on error interrupts disabled
See Also: #02910 - #02912 - #02915
(Table 02912) Call Access Server driver "get input from port" function with:. AH = 03h. AL = port number (00h-0Fh). CX = size of data buffer. ES:BX -> buffer for data. Interrupts disabled
CF clear if successful CF set on error interrupts disabled CX = number of bytes read
Note: The driver will add a NUL to the buffer when a break signal is detected
See Also: #02912 - #02913
(Table 02913) Call driver "send output data to port" function with:. AH = 04h. AL = port number (00h-0Fh). CX = number of bytes to send. ES:BX -> buffer containing data. Interrupts disabled
CF clear if successful CF set on error interrupts disabled CX = number of bytes actually written
See Also: #02912 - #02914
(Table 02914) Call driver "get I/O character counts" function with:. AH = 05h. AL = port number (00h-0Fh). Interrupts disabled
CF clear if successful BX = number of bytes pending transmission CX = number of bytes available for reading CF set on error interrupts disabled
See Also: #02912 - #02913
(Table 02915) Call driver "control XON/XOFF" function with:. AH = 06h. AL = port number (00h-0Fh). DL = new state (00h software flow control disabled, else enabled). Interrupts disabled
CF clear if successful CF set on error interrupts disabled
See Also: #02916
(Table 02916) Call driver "get error counts and statistics" function with:. AH = 07h. AL = port number (00h-0Fh). ES:BX -> buffer for statistics (see #02924). Interrupts disabled
CF clear if successful ES:BX buffer filled CF set on error interrupts disabled
See Also: #02917 - #02918 - #02919
(Table 02917) Call driver "general request" function with:. AH = 08h. AL = port number (00h-0Fh). DX = requested operations
bit 0:
Flush transmit buffersbit 1:
Flush receive buffersbit 4:
Define XON/XOFF characters. ES:BX -> XON/XOFF characters (see #02925) if DX bit 4 set. Interrupts disabled
CF clear if successful CF set on error interrupts disabled(Table 02918) Call driver "deadman timer management" function with: AH = 09h AL = port number (00h-0Fh) BX = next time interval in seconds (0000h to disable timer) interrupts disabled
CF clear interrupts disabled
See Also: #02919
(Table 02919) Call driver "get buffer sizes" function with:. AH = 0Ah. AL = port number (00h-0Fh). Interrupts disabled
CF clear if successful BX = size of transmit buffer CX = size of receive buffer CF set on error interrupts disabled
See Also: #02918
(Table 02920) Values for Access Server transmitter status: 00h uninitialized 01h ready, not transmitting 02h transmitting 03h XOFF received 04h transmitting, buffer full 05h XOFF received and buffer full
(Table 02921) Values for Access Server receiver status: 00h uninitialized 01h ready 02h receive buffer full, data may have been lost
Bitfields for external status signals: Bit(s) Description (Table 02922) 7,6 undefined 5 CTS active 4 DSR active 3 DCD active 2,1 undefined 0 ring indicator
Format of Access Server configuration parameter block: Offset Size Description (Table 02923) 00h BYTE receive baud rate index 00h 50 bps, 01h 75 bps, 02h 110 bps, 03h 134.5 bps, 04h 150 bps, 05h 300 bps, 06h 600 bps, 07h 1200 bps, 08h 1800 bps, 09h 2000 bps, 0Ah 2400 bps, 0Bh 3600 bps, 0Ch 4800 bps, 0Dh 7200 bps, 0Eh 9600 bps, 0Fh 19200 bps, 10h 38400 bps, 11h 57600 bps, 12h 115200 bps 01h BYTE receive bits per character (0=5 bits..3=8 bits) 02h BYTE receive stop bits 03h BYTE receive parity 00h none, 01h odd, 02h even, 03h mark, 04h space 04h BYTE transmit baud rate index (same as receive baud rate) 05h BYTE transmit bits per character (0=5 bits..3=8 bits) 06h BYTE transmit stop bits 07h BYTE transmit parity (same as receive parity) 08h BYTE DTR state (00h off, 01h on) 09h BYTE RTS state (00h off, 01h on) 0Ah BYTE flow control (00h none, 01h XON/XOFF, 02h RTS/CTS, 03h both) 0Bh BYTE break control (00h off, 01h on)
Format of Access Server statistics: Offset Size Description (Table 02924) 00h BYTE port number 01h BYTE external status signals (see #02922) 02h BYTE transmitter status (see #02920) 03h BYTE receiver status (see #02921) 04h DWORD number of characters received 08h DWORD number of characters transmitted 0Ch WORD input parity errors 0Eh WORD input framing errors 10h WORD lost characters due to hardware overrun 12h WORD lost characters due to data buffer overrun
Note: The counts are not allowed to wrap around; once a count reaches FFFFh or FFFFFFFFh, it is no longer incremented
Format of Access Server XON/XOFF characters: Offset Size Description (Table 02925) 00h BYTE 04h (number of bytes following) 01h BYTE transmit XON character 02h BYTE transmit XOFF character 03h BYTE receive XON character 04h BYTE receive XOFF character
Category: Netware - Int 2Fh - N
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