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AX = 0009h BX = column of cursor hot spot in bitmap (-16 to 16) CX = row of cursor hot spot (-16 to 16) ES:DX -> mask bitmap (see #03170)
Notes: In graphics modes, the screen contents around the current mouse cursor position are ANDed with the screen mask and then XORed with the cursor mask. The Microsoft mouse driver v7.04 and v8.20 uses only BL and CL, so the hot spot row/column should be limited to -128..127. Microsoft KnowledgeBase article Q19850 states that the high bit is right-most, but that statement is contradicted by all other available documentation
See Also:
AX=000Ah - AX=0012h - AX=002Ah - INT 62/AX=007F
Format of mouse mask bitmap:
Offset Size Description (Table 03170)
00h 16 WORDs screen mask
10h 16 WORDs cursor mask
Each word defines the sixteen pixels of a row, low bit rightmost
Mouse/Pointing Device
Int 33h
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