Int 61/AX=0001h/DS=0001h

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AX = 0001h
DS = 0001h (to distinguish from alternate AX=0001h socket interface)
CX:BX -> internal communications control block (see #03324)
DX = caller's data segment

AX = status 0000h successful 0099h invalid operation 00A5h resource not available

Desc: StreetTalk access with session handles

INT 60 to INT 66

Notes: This service is handled by the adapter driver. The request dispatch table contains dummy entries for subfunctions 06h, 0Dh, 0Eh, 0Fh, 10h, and 11h, which always return error 0099h (invalid operation) in the request block's result buffer. In recent VINES releases, this interface is superseded by the AX=000Fh interface, which allows FAR parameter block pointers (refer to that function's entries for more details on individual subfunctions). Some adapter drivers (e.g. the NDIS2 token ring driver NDTOKBAN for VINES 5.53) ignore the value in CX and use the value from DX instead

See Also: AX=000Fh

Format of internal communications control block: Offset Size Description (Table 03324) 00h WORD subfunction number 02h WORD magic number (FEFEh) 04h WORD (ret) result, should be set to 0 before calling 06h WORD reserved (will be set to client DS) 08h WORD caller's code segment if function 000Bh, 0 else 0Ah WORD pointer to parameter block 0Ch WORD reserved (segment of parameter block; will be set to client DS) 0Eh WORD StreetTalk handle

See Also: #03323 - #03444 at INT 61/AX=000Fh

Category: Network - Int 61h - B


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