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AX = 00B7h ES:BX -> variable pointer record (see #03502) CX = bitmap width (0 < width <= 1024) DX = bitmap height (0 < height <= 1024) SI = size of resulting image (width for horiz. shear, height for vert.) DI = shear type 0000h horizontal shear to left 0001h horizontal shear to right 0002h vertical shear to left (left edge stretched up) 0003h vertical shear to right (right edge stretched up)
Note: The FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474)
See Also: AX=00A3h
Format of FGDRIVER SHEAR variable pointer record: Offset Size Description (Table 03502) 00h WORD segment of source bitmap 02h WORD offset of source bitmap 04h WORD segment of buffer for resulting bitmap 06h WORD offset of buffer for resulting bitmap
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