Int 7A/AH=09h/BX=8020h

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IBM 3270 Workstation Program API - SESSION SERVICES

AH = 09h
BX = 8020h (synchronous request)
CX = 0000h
DX = ID of session manager (SESSMGR)
AL = service (see #03834)
ES:DI -> control block


(Table 03834) Values for service: 01h get session ID 02h get session info 04h dettach from session 05h attach to session 06h get list of windows available 07h get environment of window 08h get 'PIF' (program information file) info 0Ah get base window ID 0Bh get cursor info

Category: IBM Workstation/Terminal Emulators - Int 7Ah - I


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