Int 92/AX=E100h

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Da Vinci eMail Dispatcher - NetInitStart

AX = E100h
BX = size of parameter block in words (000Ah)
CX:DX -> parameter block (see #03980)

AX = 0001h success

Desc: This function is used to initialize the dispatcher

See Also: AX=E101h - AX=E103h

Format of Da Vinci eMail "NetInitStart" parameter block: Offset Size Description (Table 03980) 00h WORD segment of ??? 02h WORD offset of ??? 04h WORD high part of long ??? 06h WORD low part of long ??? 08h WORD high part of long ??? 0Ah WORD low part of long ??? 0Ch WORD high part of long ??? 0Eh WORD low part of long ??? 10h WORD high part of long ??? 12h WORD low part of long ???

Category: Electronic Mail - Int 92h - D


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