Int 1A/AH=91h

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PCMCIA Socket Services v1.00 - READ ONE

AH = 91h
AL = adapter number
BL = socket number (01h to maximum supported by adapter)
BH = attributes (see #00687)
DX:SI = card address

CF clear if successful AH destroyed CL/CX = value read CF set on error AH = error code (01h,07h,09h,0Bh,14h) (see #00656) CX may be destroyed

Note: This function is only valid for I/O-mapped sockets

See Also: AH=92h - AH=93h - INT 21/AX=440Dh"DOS 3.2+"

Bitfields for PCMCIA attributes: Bit(s) Description (Table 00687) 2 even bytes only 1 word rather than byte 0 attribute memory instead of common memory

Category: Expansion Bus Bios - Int 1Ah - P


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