Int 2C/AX=002Dh

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AX = 002Dh
DX:EBX = new I/O trapping passalong address (see #02566)

CF clear

Notes: RM386 calls the passalong address whenever an access to a monitored I/O port is attempted; the handler should check whether it is a port that it is interested in, and if not call the previous passalong address (which was retrieved with AX=002Ch before installing the new handler). This function was first introduced with RM386 (RAM-MAN/386) v6.00

See Also: AX=0009h - AX=002Ch - INT 67/AX=5DEAh

(Table 02566) Values Cloaking port-trapping passalong address is called with:. EAX = CS:IP of faulting instruction (unless executing in protected-mode ring 3). SS:EBX -> caller register structure (see #02559) check EFLAGS V86-mode bit for type. CX = first two bytes of I/O instruction which was trapped. DX = port to which I/O is being performed. CF clear

CF clear if RM386 should perform I/O operation CF set if I/O should be skipped

Note: RM386 skips the trapped I/O instruction, so the passalong handler should not modify the client CS:EIP

Category: Memory Management - Int 2Ch - C


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