Int 2F/AX=4310h

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Cloaking - REAL-MODE API

AX = 4310h

ES:BX -> driver entry point (see #02749,#02778,#02779,#02780,#02781)

See Also: AX=4310h"XMS"

(Table 02778) Call the Cloaking v1.01 "Client Registration" function with:. AH = 7Eh. BX = subfunction 0000h get client registration count 0001h get client registration structures ES:DI -> buffer for registration structures

AX = status 0000h failed 0001h successful ---subfunction 00h--- BX = size of client structure in bytes CX = number of clients installed ---subfunction 01h--- ES:DI buffer filled

See Also: #02779 - #02781 - INT 2C/AX=0033h

(Table 02779) Call the Cloaking v1.01 "Verify Cloaking Host" function with:. AH = 7Fh

AX = status 0000h failed 0001h (successful) if installed BX = version (0101h for v1.01) CX = flags

bit 0:
Host is VCPI-based DS:DX -> ASCIZ Cloaking host signature "CLOAKING.EXE"0, followed by a far-call entry point to uninstall host (see #02780) in Helix's CLOAKING.EXE

See Also: #02778 - #02781

Installation check;Cloaking host|installation check;CLOAKING.EXE

(Table 02780) Call the CLOAKING.EXE "Uninstall Host" function with:

AX = 4F4Bh ('OK') if successfully uninstalled protected-mode code

(Table 02781) Call the Cloaking "Start Protected-Mode Client" function with: AH = 82h DX = XMS handle of locked block containing protected-mode code CL = code size (00h 16-bit, else 32-bit) ESI, EDI = parameters to pass to protected-mode code

AX = status nonzero success 0000h failed BL = error code (A2h,B0h) (see #02775)

Notes: This function calls a user initialization function at offset 0 in the XMS memory block (see #02782). Supported by Helix's RM386 v6.00 and Helix's CLOAKING.EXE

See Also: #02778 - #02779

(Table 02782) Values user initialization function is called with:. EBX = physical address of block's start. ESI = user data from function 82h call. EDI = user data from function 82h call. CS = code selector for XMS block at EBX (16-bit or 32-bit). DS = data selector for XMS block, starting at EBX. ES = selector for V86 memory access to full real-mode 1088K. GS = selector for full 4G flat address space. SS:ESP -> stack provided by host

Via 32-bit FAR return

Note: The initialization function may call any protected-mode Cloaking service; it should store the values of DS, ES, and GS for future reference

Category: Memory Management - Int 2Fh - C


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